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Pragmatic Semiconductor FlexICs: A New Era in Chip Technology

Written by Polina Martinuka
Published August 13th, 2024
7 min read


Pragmatic Semiconductor's chips, known as Flexible Integrated Circuits (FlexICs), are a breakthrough in the semiconductor industry, offering a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to traditional silicon chips. These FlexICs are ultra-thin—thinner than a human hair—and can bend and flex, making them suitable for embedding into a wide range of everyday objects. This flexibility opens up new possibilities for the Internet of Things (IoT), smart packaging, and other applications where traditional rigid silicon chips would be impractical.
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Pragmatic Semiconductor FlexICs
Date of establishment

Deep dive


1. ConnectICs

Purpose: ConnectICs are designed to provide simple, low-cost connectivity for applications such as smart packaging and asset tracking.
Features: These chips are often used in RFID and NFC applications, enabling products to communicate wirelessly with readers. The flexibility and low cost make them ideal for item-level tagging and inventory management in industries like retail and logistics.

2. IdentifyICs

Purpose: IdentifyICs are used for product authentication and brand protection.
Features: These chips can be embedded into packaging or products themselves to verify authenticity, track supply chain movements, and prevent counterfeiting. Their integration into high-value goods ensures that products can be reliably authenticated throughout their lifecycle.

3. SensingICs

Purpose: SensingICs provide a platform for integrating various sensors with flexible electronics.
Features: These chips can detect environmental changes such as temperature, humidity, and pressure, making them suitable for applications in healthcare, industrial monitoring, and smart packaging. They are crucial for enabling real-time data collection and monitoring in environments where traditional sensors might be too bulky or rigid.

4. FlexLogIC

Purpose: FlexLogIC provides the logic circuits needed for processing data within flexible electronics.
Features: This product is essential for enabling more complex computations and controls in applications that require more than just connectivity or sensing. FlexLogIC allows for the creation of flexible circuits that can perform logical operations, supporting more advanced applications like smart cards and interactive packaging.

Key Features

  1. The manufacturing process for FlexICs is designed to be more environmentally friendly than traditional chip production. It uses significantly less energy and water and generates fewer carbon emissions, aligning with global sustainability goals.

  2. Pragmatic's chips are much cheaper to produce compared to silicon chips, which is crucial for enabling widespread adoption in various low-cost applications like smart packaging and disposable sensors.

  3. The company's new 300mm wafer fabrication facility in the UK can produce billions of chips per year. This scale is essential for meeting the growing global demand for IoT devices and smart technology.

  4. FlexICs can be integrated into a variety of products, from consumer goods to industrial equipment. Some prominent applications include:

    • Smart Packaging: Embedding FlexICs in packaging allows for better tracking, authentication, and recycling processes.

    • Wearables: Their flexibility makes them ideal for use in wearable technology, offering comfort and durability.

    • Sensors: FlexICs can be used in sensors that monitor environmental conditions, health metrics, or other data points in real-time.

  5. Pragmatic's "Fab-in-a-Box" model allows for flexible and scalable manufacturing. This approach enables the chips to be produced closer to the point of use, reducing supply chain complexities and enhancing security.


Requiring 100 times less capital expenditure than a silicon fab, and with significantly faster process cycle time, the Fab-in-a-Box includes all the required process tools to deposit and pattern multiple high-quality material layers, integrated with a robotic wafer handling system inside a self-contained clean environment.  

Detailed material recipes, end-to-end process flows, in-line quality monitoring and feedback control loops are implemented within the equipment and automation software to ensure reliable production without operator intervention."


Applications Across Industries

FlexICs have the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries, from consumer goods to industrial applications. One of the most promising areas is in smart packaging. By embedding FlexICs into packaging materials, companies can enable item-level intelligence, providing real-time data on product status, authenticity, and even environmental conditions during shipping. This can greatly enhance supply chain management and reduce waste through better recycling and reuse practices.

In the wearables sector, FlexICs offer a comfortable, durable alternative to bulky traditional electronics. Their ability to conform to the shape of the body without losing functionality makes them ideal for health monitors, fitness trackers, and other wearable devices.

The industrial and healthcare sectors also stand to benefit significantly. FlexICs can be used in sensors that monitor environmental conditions, detect chemical leaks, or track patient health metrics in real time. The potential applications are vast, and the scalability of Pragmatic’s technology ensures that these chips can be produced in the quantities needed to support widespread adoption.

Case Studies

  1. Collaboration with CPI: Pragmatic Semiconductor's partnership with CPI (Centre for Process Innovation) has been instrumental in transforming its FlexIC production process from a lab-based proof of concept to a scalable commercial model. CPI provided technical expertise and industrial knowledge, helping Pragmatic to develop a resilient production methodology and reduce product development time and costs. This collaboration has resulted in a robust manufacturing process that supports high-volume fabrication at a fraction of the cost of silicon chips, with a significantly lower environmental impact.

  2. FlexIC Foundry Service: Pragmatic's FlexIC Foundry service allows designers to create custom application-specific FlexICs quickly and cost-effectively. This service accelerates the development cycle, enabling innovators to iterate and test concepts within weeks. The foundry service has opened up numerous new use cases beyond conventional electronics, particularly in cost-sensitive, high-volume consumer goods.

  3. Environmental and Healthcare Applications: Pragmatic's technology has been applied in various sectors, including healthcare and environmental management. For example, the NHS has used Pragmatic's technology to improve the efficiency of lab test processing. Additionally, collaborations with organizations like DEFRA have explored applications in waste management, showcasing the broad applicability and impact of Pragmatic's FlexICs



Pragmatic Semiconductor’s focus on sustainability is evident not just in the design of their chips, but also in their production methods. Their recently opened 300mm wafer fabrication facility in Durham, UK, is a testament to this commitment. The facility is designed to minimize environmental impact, using a fraction of the energy and water required by traditional silicon fabs. This approach to manufacturing is not only environmentally friendly but also economically viable. By reducing production costs and offering a more flexible, scalable solution, Pragmatic is positioning itself as a leader in the push towards more sustainable electronics.

Disadvantages of FlexICs Compared to Traditional Silicon Chips

  1. Lower Processing Power and Speed:
    FlexICs generally have lower computational capabilities and slower speeds due to the materials and processes used, making them less suitable for high-performance applications.

  2. Limited Complexity:
    The architecture of FlexICs is simpler compared to traditional silicon chips, which limits their ability to perform complex tasks or run advanced software.

  3. Durability:
    While flexible, FlexICs may be less durable in harsh environments compared to traditional rigid silicon chips that can be more robust under extreme conditions.

Ideal Use Cases for FlexICs Despite Their Limitations

  1. Smart Packaging:
    FlexICs are ideal for embedding into product packaging for item-level tracking, authentication, and recycling, where high processing power is not required.

  2. Wearables:
    Their flexibility and lightweight nature make FlexICs perfect for wearable technology that needs to conform to the body’s shape and maintain comfort.

  3. Low-Cost, High-Volume Applications:
    FlexICs are highly suitable for applications requiring low-cost and scalable solutions, such as RFID tags or sensors in logistics and inventory management, where cost and flexibility are more critical than processing power.


Pragmatic Semiconductor does not publicly disclose detailed pricing for their FlexICs on their website or through readily available sources. Pricing for these flexible integrated circuits likely depends on several factors including the scale of the project, the specific application, customization needs, and the volume of chips ordered.

For companies or industries interested in utilizing Pragmatic’s FlexIC technology, pricing would typically be provided through direct consultation or quotation based on the particular requirements of the project. To get accurate and specific pricing information, it would be best to contact Pragmatic Semiconductor directly.

Polina Martinuka
Written by:
Polina Martinuka
Sustainability Research Analyst
Recently graduating from a university in the UK, with a Bachelor's degree in Multimedia Journalism, Polina brings a unique blend of investigative skills, the ability to analyze complex data and environmental awareness.