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ENOUGH: Leading the Way in Sustainable Mycoprotein Production for a Carbon-Zero Future

Written by Karol Kaczmarek
Published June 7th, 2024
12 min read
Updated June 22nd, 2024


ENOUGH is a leading producer of mycoprotein, a sustainable and nutritious alternative protein. Their innovative fermentation technology significantly reduces environmental impact by using less land and water while emitting up to 90% fewer greenhouse gases compared to traditional livestock farming. With a diverse product range including alternative meats, seafood, and dairy, ENOUGH is pivotal in advancing the carbon-zero emission industry and promoting sustainable food solutions.
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Deep dive

ENOUGH is a pioneering company in the alternative protein sector, specializing in the production of mycoprotein. The company is based in Glasgow, Scotland, and was founded in 2015. Their innovative approach to creating sustainable food solutions has positioned them as a key player in the market for alternative meat, seafood, and dairy products.

The company's mission is to "feed the world with sustainable protein." They aim to provide high-quality, nutritious, and environmentally friendly food options that cater to a growing global population, reducing the reliance on traditional animal farming.

An interesting fact about ENOUGH's mycoprotein production is that it uses significantly less land and water compared to traditional livestock farming. Specifically, the production process uses up to 93% less water and 97% less feed than beef protein, resulting in 97% fewer CO2 emissions. This efficiency not only highlights the environmental benefits of their production methods but also underscores the company's significant contribution to sustainability and carbon reduction efforts.

Source: foodnavigator

Company Background


ENOUGH was founded in 2015 with the vision of transforming the food industry through sustainable protein production. Initially focused on research and development, the company quickly advanced its mycoprotein technology, achieving significant milestones along the way. In 2019, ENOUGH launched its first commercial product, gaining traction in the alternative protein market. Over the years, the company has expanded its production capabilities and product offerings, making significant strides in the sustainable food sector.

Founders and Key Figures

The company was founded by Jim Laird and Craig Johnston, both of whom brought extensive experience in food technology and sustainability. Jim Laird, the CEO, has a background in biochemistry and over 20 years of experience in the food industry, including leadership roles at various food tech startups. Craig Johnston, the CTO, has a strong background in microbiology and fermentation technology, driving the company's innovative approach to mycoprotein production.

Funding and Investors

The organization has successfully secured funding from several prominent investors who share the company's vision for sustainable food production. In recent years, the company has completed multiple funding rounds, attracting investments from venture capital firms and strategic partners. Notable investors include Horizons Ventures, CPT Capital, and Growth Tech Ventures. These investments have enabled ENOUGH to scale its production facilities and expand its market reach, further solidifying its position in the alternative protein industry.

Products and Services

Core Products/Services

ENOUGH specializes in the production of mycoprotein, a sustainable and nutritious food ingredient. Here are the key aspects of their core products and services:

1. Mycoprotein Production

Nutritional Value: Mycoprotein is a complete protein containing all essential amino acids, making it a highly nutritious alternative to traditional animal proteins. It is also high in dietary fiber, promoting overall health.

Sustainability: The production process of mycoprotein is environmentally friendly, using significantly less land and water compared to traditional livestock farming. This process also results in up to 90% fewer greenhouse gas emissions, contributing substantially to carbon reduction efforts.

2. Alternative Meat Products

ENOUGH’s mycoprotein can be used to create a variety of alternative meat products, such as burgers, sausages, and nuggets. These products provide a sustainable and ethical choice for consumers looking to reduce their meat consumption and carbon footprint.

3. Alternative Seafood

The company also offers mycoprotein-based seafood alternatives, such as fish fillets and shrimp, providing a sustainable option for seafood lovers and addressing overfishing concerns.

4. Dairy Alternatives

ENOUGH is developing mycoprotein-based dairy alternatives, including cheese and yogurt, catering to the growing demand for plant-based dairy products.

Mycoprotein, made from fungi, is a complete protein containing all essential amino acids and high dietary fiber, significantly reducing the environmental impact compared to traditional meat production.
Mycoprotein, made from fungi, is a complete protein containing all essential amino acids and high dietary fiber, significantly reducing the environmental impact compared to traditional meat production.

ENOUGH's mycoprotein is used to create a variety of alternative meat products, including stir-fry dishes, burgers, sausages, and more, offering a sustainable option for meat lovers.
ENOUGH's mycoprotein is used to create a variety of alternative meat products, including stir-fry dishes, burgers, sausages, and more, offering a sustainable option for meat lovers.

ENOUGH's mycoprotein serves as a base for a range of seafood alternatives, including fish fillets and shrimp, addressing overfishing concerns and providing a sustainable choice for seafood enthusiasts.
ENOUGH's mycoprotein serves as a base for a range of seafood alternatives, including fish fillets and shrimp, addressing overfishing concerns and providing a sustainable choice for seafood enthusiasts.

Dairy Alternatives: Nutritious mycoprotein-based dairy substitutes.
Dairy Alternatives: Nutritious mycoprotein-based dairy substitutes.

Contribution to Sustainability

By providing high-quality, mycoprotein-based alternatives to traditional animal products, ENOUGH helps reduce the environmental impact of food production. These efforts align with global sustainability goals and contribute to the fight against climate change, making ENOUGH a valuable player in the transition towards a carbon-zero future. Their products support a more sustainable food system by:

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

  • Decreasing land and water use

  • Offering a viable alternative to resource-intensive animal farming

Innovation and Technology

Advanced Fermentation Technology:

ENOUGH utilizes advanced fermentation technology to produce mycoprotein efficiently. This process involves fermenting fungi in a controlled environment, which allows for the production of high-quality protein with minimal resource use. The fermentation process is highly scalable, making it possible to produce large quantities of mycoprotein to meet growing demand.

Sustainable Production Methods:

The company employs sustainable production methods that significantly reduce environmental impact. These methods include using renewable energy sources and optimizing water and land use. ENOUGH’s production process emits up to 90% fewer greenhouse gases compared to traditional meat production, making it a key contributor to carbon reduction efforts.

Continuous Innovation in Product Development:

ENOUGH is committed to continuous innovation in product development. The company’s R&D team is constantly exploring new ways to enhance the taste, texture, and nutritional profile of their mycoprotein products. This includes developing new food products that cater to various dietary preferences and requirements, such as vegan, gluten-free, and high-protein options.

Collaboration with Research Institutions:

ENOUGH collaborates with leading research institutions to stay at the forefront of food technology. These partnerships enable the company to leverage the latest scientific advancements and incorporate cutting-edge research into their product development and production processes.

Data-Driven Decision Making:

The company uses data analytics to optimize their production processes and improve efficiency. By analyzing data from their fermentation processes, ENOUGH can make informed decisions that enhance productivity, reduce waste, and lower costs.

Eco-Friendly Packaging:

In addition to sustainable production methods, ENOUGH is also focused on reducing the environmental impact of their packaging. The company is exploring and implementing eco-friendly packaging solutions that minimize plastic use and support recycling efforts.

Case Studies

Example 1: Retail Partnership with Major Supermarket Chain

ENOUGH partnered with a leading supermarket chain in Europe to launch a range of mycoprotein-based products, including burgers, sausages, and meatballs. These products quickly gained popularity among consumers seeking sustainable and nutritious food options. The partnership helped the supermarket chain expand its plant-based product offerings, meeting the increasing demand for alternative proteins. Sales data showed a significant increase in the supermarket’s plant-based category, driven by the introduction of ENOUGH’s products.

Example 2: Collaboration with Food Service Industry

ENOUGH collaborated with several prominent restaurants and food service providers to incorporate mycoprotein into their menus. These collaborations resulted in the creation of innovative dishes, such as mycoprotein-based tacos, stir-fries, and pasta. Feedback from chefs and customers was overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the versatility and taste of ENOUGH’s mycoprotein. The partnership not only enhanced the sustainability of the participating restaurants’ menus but also attracted a broader customer base interested in plant-based dining options.

Example 3: Food Manufacturer Integration

A well-known food manufacturer integrated ENOUGH’s mycoprotein into its line of ready-to-eat meals. This integration allowed the manufacturer to offer healthier and more sustainable meal options without compromising on taste or convenience. The ready-to-eat meals, featuring mycoprotein-based meat substitutes, became a hit among health-conscious consumers and those looking to reduce their environmental footprint. The success of this integration demonstrated the potential for mycoprotein to be used in a wide range of food products.

Example 4: Environmental Impact Reduction

ENOUGH’s mycoprotein production has been recognized for its significant environmental benefits. A case study conducted by an independent environmental organization found that using ENOUGH’s mycoprotein instead of traditional beef in food products resulted in a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90%. Additionally, the study highlighted the substantial savings in water and land use, further emphasizing the sustainability advantages of mycoprotein. These findings have been instrumental in promoting the adoption of ENOUGH’s products in various sectors.

Market Position

Industry Overview

The alternative protein industry is rapidly growing as consumers seek sustainable and healthier food options. This industry encompasses plant-based proteins, cultured meats, and novel protein sources like mycoprotein. As environmental concerns and dietary preferences shift, the demand for meat alternatives has surged, driving innovation and expansion within this sector.

ENOUGH fits within this landscape as a leading producer of mycoprotein, a unique and sustainable protein source. Their focus on sustainability, nutrition, and versatility positions them as a key player in the market for alternative meat, seafood, and dairy products.


Major competitors in the alternative protein industry include:

  • Beyond Meat: Known for its plant-based burgers and sausages, Beyond Meat has a strong presence in retail and food service sectors.

  • Impossible Foods: Specializes in plant-based meat alternatives, particularly burgers, that mimic the taste and texture of real meat.

  • Quorn: Another mycoprotein producer, Quorn offers a range of meat substitutes and has a well-established market presence.

  • Oatly: Focuses on plant-based dairy alternatives, particularly oat milk, which has gained widespread popularity.


  • Sustainable Production: ENOUGH's advanced fermentation technology results in a significantly lower environmental impact compared to traditional livestock farming and some other plant-based protein sources.

  • Nutritional Profile: Mycoprotein is a complete protein with all essential amino acids and high dietary fiber, offering superior nutritional benefits.

  • Versatility: ENOUGH's mycoprotein can be used in a variety of products, from meat substitutes to seafood and dairy alternatives, catering to diverse consumer needs.


  • Market Competition: The alternative protein market is highly competitive, with many established and emerging players. Differentiating ENOUGH’s products and maintaining market share can be challenging.

  • Consumer Acceptance: While the market for alternative proteins is growing, some consumers may be hesitant to try new products like mycoprotein due to taste, texture, or familiarity concerns.

  • Regulatory Hurdles: Navigating food safety regulations and obtaining approvals in different regions can be complex and time-consuming.


  • Growing Demand for Sustainable Foods: The increasing consumer awareness of environmental issues and the demand for sustainable food options present significant growth opportunities for ENOUGH.

  • Product Innovation: Continuous innovation in product development can help ENOUGH expand its product range and appeal to a broader audience, including those with specific dietary requirements.

  • Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborating with retail chains, food service providers, and other food manufacturers can enhance market penetration and brand visibility.

  • Global Expansion: Exploring new markets and expanding into regions with high demand for sustainable proteins can drive growth and increase ENOUGH’s global footprint.

Sustainability and Impact

Environmental Impact

ENOUGH’s mycoprotein production process is designed to be environmentally friendly and significantly reduces the environmental footprint compared to traditional animal farming. Key impacts include:

  • Reduction in Carbon Emissions: ENOUGH’s production process generates up to 90% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than traditional livestock farming, contributing significantly to efforts to combat climate change.

  • Resource Efficiency: The mycoprotein production process uses significantly less land and water compared to conventional meat production. This efficiency helps conserve vital resources and reduce the overall environmental impact.

  • Waste Reduction: The fermentation process utilized by ENOUGH results in minimal waste. Additionally, any by-products are often repurposed, contributing to a more circular economy.

Certifications and Awards

The company has received several certifications and awards that recognize their commitment to sustainability and innovation, including:

  • B Corp Certification: ENOUGH is certified as a B Corporation, which attests to their high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.

  • Sustainable Food Awards: The company has been recognized at the Sustainable Food Awards for their contributions to creating sustainable and nutritious food products.

  • Innovation Awards: ENOUGH has received various innovation awards for their groundbreaking work in alternative protein technology and sustainable food production.

  • Environmental Certifications: The company holds several environmental certifications that validate their efforts to minimize their carbon footprint and adopt eco-friendly practices.

Future Goals

ENOUGH is committed to advancing sustainability and has set ambitious goals for the future, including:

  • Expansion of Sustainable Production: ENOUGH plans to scale up their mycoprotein production facilities, aiming to meet the growing demand for sustainable protein while maintaining their low environmental impact.

  • Product Development: The company is continuously investing in research and development to expand their product portfolio. This includes creating new and innovative mycoprotein-based products that cater to a variety of dietary needs and preferences.

  • Carbon Neutrality: ENOUGH has set a goal to become carbon neutral by 2030. This involves further reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and offsetting any remaining emissions through various sustainability initiatives.

  • Community and Environmental Initiatives: The company is actively involved in community outreach and environmental initiatives. They plan to increase their participation in programs that promote sustainability, biodiversity, and environmental education.


ENOUGH stands out as a leading company in the alternative protein industry, leveraging innovative fermentation technology to produce mycoprotein. This versatile, nutritious, and sustainable protein source positions ENOUGH as a key player in the shift towards environmentally friendly food solutions.

Key points about ENOUGH include:

  • Environmental Impact: Their mycoprotein production process significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions, land use, and water consumption compared to traditional livestock farming.

  • Product Range: ENOUGH offers a diverse array of mycoprotein-based products, including alternative meat, seafood, and dairy options, catering to various dietary preferences and needs.

  • Sustainability Credentials: The company has received numerous certifications and awards recognizing their commitment to sustainability and innovation.

  • Market Position: ENOUGH holds a competitive edge in the rapidly growing alternative protein sector, distinguished by their sustainable production methods and high-quality products.

  • Future Goals: ENOUGH aims to expand production, develop new products, achieve carbon neutrality by 2030, and engage in community and environmental initiatives.

Karol Kaczmarek
Written by:
Karol Kaczmarek
Co-founder of Net Zero Compare
Karol is a seasoned entrepreneur and co-founder of A&K Ventures OÜ. With a strong foundation in quantitative economics, he has a proven track record in strategic consulting, real estate, and global business expansion. Karol is dedicated to leveraging innovative technologies and creative business strategies to drive growth and transformation in every venture.