Net Zero Compare

Norsepower: Maritime Sustainability with Rotor Sail Technology

Written by Karol Kaczmarek
Published June 1st, 2024
12 min read
Updated July 13th, 2024


Norsepower, founded in 2012 in Helsinki, revolutionizes maritime sustainability with its Rotor Sail technology, significantly reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Through innovation, community engagement, and a commitment to sustainability, Norsepower leads the charge toward carbon-zero shipping.
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Date of establishment

Deep dive

Norsepower, founded in 2012 and headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, is a leading provider of auxiliary wind propulsion systems for ships. The company focuses on reducing the environmental impact of the shipping industry through innovative and efficient wind propulsion technology. Norsepower is dedicated to delivering efficient, reliable, and user-friendly wind propulsion systems that enhance the sustainability of maritime operations.

Did you know that Norsepower's technology has been shown to reduce a vessel’s fuel consumption by up to 20%? This significant improvement underscores the potential impact of wind propulsion in achieving carbon-zero emissions in the shipping industry.

Source: climateinvestment

Company Background


Norsepower was founded in 2012 by Tuomas Riski in Helsinki, Finland, with a vision to revolutionize the shipping industry through wind propulsion technology. The company introduced its first product, the Norsepower Rotor Sail, which combines modern engineering with the age-old concept of harnessing wind power. Over the years, Norsepower has achieved several key milestones, including the successful installation of its rotor sails on commercial vessels and receiving various industry awards for innovation and sustainability.

Founders and Key Figures:

Tuomas Riski (Founder & CEO): With a background in engineering and extensive experience in the maritime sector, Riski has been instrumental in driving Norsepower’s vision and growth.

Sari Saarnisaari (CTO): Saarnisaari brings a wealth of technical expertise in marine engineering and renewable energy, leading the company's technological advancements.

Kim Diederichsen (Board Member): With over two decades of experience in the shipping industry, Diederichsen provides strategic guidance to ensure Norsepower’s solutions meet market needs.

Funding and Investors

Norsepower has secured significant funding from various investors to support its research, development, and commercialization efforts. Notable investors include the European Innovation Council Fund and venture capital firms such as Lifeline Ventures and Innovestor. The company has successfully completed several funding rounds, the latest of which was in 2020, raising funds to expand its product offerings and enhance its market presence.

Products and Services

Core Products/Services:

Norsepower Rotor Sail: The flagship product of Norsepower, the Rotor Sail, is an innovative auxiliary wind propulsion system for ships. It uses the Magnus effect to harness wind power, thereby reducing the ship's fuel consumption and emissions. The Rotor Sail is designed to be retrofitted on existing vessels or integrated into new builds, providing a flexible and scalable solution for enhancing maritime sustainability.

  • Fuel Efficiency: By utilizing wind power, the Rotor Sail can reduce a vessel's fuel consumption by up to 20%, leading to significant cost savings and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Environmental Impact: The reduction in fuel consumption directly correlates with a decrease in CO2 and other harmful emissions, supporting the global effort to mitigate climate change.

  • Ease of Integration: The Rotor Sail is designed for ease of installation and operation, making it a practical choice for various types of vessels, including tankers, ferries, and cargo ships.

  • Scalability: Available in different sizes, the Rotor Sail can be customized to fit the specific needs of different vessels, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.

Through its Rotor Sail technology, Norsepower contributes to the maritime industry's transition towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. The company’s products not only enhance operational efficiency but also support broader environmental goals by significantly reducing carbon emissions from shipping.

Engineers installing Norsepower's Rotor Sail on a commercial vessel.
Engineers installing Norsepower's Rotor Sail on a commercial vessel.

Innovation and Technology:

At the heart of Norsepower’s innovation is its Rotor Sail technology, which leverages the Magnus effect to provide auxiliary wind propulsion for ships. This technology represents a modern adaptation of an old concept, using rotating cylinders to generate lift and propel the vessel forward. The Rotor Sails are constructed from lightweight, durable materials and designed to withstand harsh marine environments.

Key Innovations:

  • Advanced Materials: The Rotor Sails are made from composite materials that are both strong and lightweight, ensuring durability while minimizing additional weight on the vessel.

  • Automated Control System: Norsepower’s Rotor Sails are equipped with an automated control system that optimizes the sails' operation based on wind conditions, vessel speed, and course. This system maximizes fuel savings and emission reductions without requiring constant manual adjustments from the crew.

  • Scalable Design: The Rotor Sail technology is available in various sizes, allowing for customization to suit different types of vessels and operational requirements. This scalability ensures that the technology can be effectively deployed across a wide range of ships.

  • Retrofitting Capability: One of the significant advantages of Norsepower’s technology is its ability to be retrofitted onto existing vessels. This flexibility allows shipping companies to upgrade their fleets without the need for entirely new ships, making sustainable shipping more accessible and cost-effective.

Norsepower continuously invests in research and development to enhance the performance and efficiency of its Rotor Sail technology. The company collaborates with leading research institutions and participates in various pilot projects to validate and improve its solutions. This commitment to innovation ensures that Norsepower remains at the forefront of sustainable maritime propulsion technology.

By incorporating advanced materials, automated systems, and scalable designs, Norsepower's innovative approach to wind propulsion significantly contributes to reducing the environmental impact of shipping, promoting a greener and more sustainable future for the maritime industry.

Case Studies

1. Viking Grace

  • Project Overview: In 2018, Norsepower retrofitted its Rotor Sail technology on the Viking Grace, a passenger ferry operated by Viking Line. This marked the first time a large passenger vessel adopted the technology.

  • Results: The installation resulted in a significant reduction in fuel consumption and emissions. Viking Line reported fuel savings of up to 300 tons per year, translating to a reduction of approximately 900 tons of CO2 annually.

  • Significance: This successful implementation demonstrated the viability of Rotor Sail technology on passenger vessels, paving the way for broader adoption in the ferry industry.

2. Maersk Pelican

  • Project Overview: The Maersk Pelican, an LR2 tanker owned by Maersk Tankers, was equipped with two large Rotor Sails in 2018. This project aimed to test the technology’s effectiveness on large cargo vessels.

  • Results: After one year of operation, the Rotor Sails achieved an average fuel savings of 8.2%, which equates to approximately 1,400 tons of CO2 emissions saved annually.

  • Significance: The positive outcomes from this pilot project provided valuable data supporting the scalability and efficiency of Rotor Sail technology for large cargo ships.

3. SC Connector

  • Project Overview: In 2020, the SC Connector, a roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) vessel operated by Sea-Cargo, was fitted with two tiltable Rotor Sails. This installation allowed the vessel to navigate under bridges and through ports with height restrictions.

  • Results: The tiltable Rotor Sails enabled fuel savings of up to 25% during optimal wind conditions, significantly reducing the vessel’s carbon footprint.

  • Significance: This case highlighted the adaptability of Norsepower’s technology to different vessel types and operational challenges, showcasing its potential to enhance sustainability in various maritime sectors.

4. Bore's MV Estraden

  • Project Overview: The MV Estraden, a RoRo vessel operated by Bore, was equipped with two Rotor Sails in 2015. This was one of the earliest commercial installations of the technology.

  • Results: Over several years of operation, the Rotor Sails have consistently delivered fuel savings of 5-7%, with corresponding reductions in CO2 emissions.

  • Significance: The long-term success of this project demonstrated the durability and reliability of Norsepower’s technology, reinforcing its value proposition to potential customers.

Market Position

Industry Overview

The maritime industry is increasingly focused on sustainability and reducing its environmental impact. With international regulations tightening around emissions, such as the IMO 2020 sulfur cap and the upcoming IMO 2030 and 2050 targets for greenhouse gas reductions, there is a growing demand for innovative solutions that can help ships operate more efficiently and sustainably. Norsepower fits within this landscape as a provider of auxiliary wind propulsion systems, specifically designed to enhance fuel efficiency and reduce emissions in the shipping industry.


  • Windship Technology: Offers a similar wind propulsion system with a focus on rigid wing sails.

  • Eco Marine Power: Develops integrated renewable energy solutions for ships, including sail-assisted propulsion.

  • Anemoi Marine Technologies: Specializes in rotor sail technology similar to Norsepower's offerings.

  • Smart Green Shipping Alliance: Works on developing automated retractable wing sails for commercial vessels.


Norsepower sets itself apart through its proven track record of successful installations and real-world fuel savings. Key differentiators include:

  • Automated Control Systems: The automated control systems optimize the performance of the Rotor Sails without requiring constant manual intervention.

  • Retrofitting Capability: Norsepower's Rotor Sails can be easily retrofitted to existing vessels, making the technology accessible to a wide range of ships without the need for new builds.

  • Durability and Reliability: The use of advanced composite materials ensures the Rotor Sails are lightweight yet durable, capable of withstanding harsh marine environments.


  • Initial Investment: The upfront cost of installing Rotor Sails can be a barrier for some shipping companies, especially in a capital-intensive industry.

  • Market Adoption: Convincing traditional shipping companies to adopt new technology can be slow, particularly if they are risk-averse or have limited experience with renewable energy solutions.

  • Regulatory Hurdles: Navigating varying international regulations and standards for maritime technology can be complex and time-consuming.


  • Regulatory Compliance: As global regulations on emissions become stricter, the demand for effective emission-reduction technologies like Norsepower's Rotor Sails is likely to increase.

  • Cost Savings: The significant fuel savings achieved through Rotor Sail technology can be a strong selling point, particularly as fuel prices fluctuate.

  • Expansion into New Markets: There is potential for growth by expanding into new geographic markets and different segments of the maritime industry, such as cruise ships or offshore supply vessels.

  • Technological Advancements: Continued innovation and improvements in Rotor Sail technology can further enhance performance and efficiency, making it an even more attractive option for ship operators.

Sustainability and Impact

Environmental Impact:

Norsepower's Rotor Sail technology directly contributes to reducing carbon emissions in the maritime industry. By harnessing wind power, the Rotor Sails significantly lower the fuel consumption of ships, leading to a substantial decrease in greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, the technology has been shown to reduce fuel consumption by up to 20%, translating to significant CO2 savings. For instance, the installation of Rotor Sails on the Maersk Pelican resulted in an annual reduction of approximately 1,400 tons of CO2 emissions. This reduction not only helps ship operators comply with stringent environmental regulations but also supports the global effort to combat climate change.

Certifications and Awards:

  • Lloyd’s Register Certification: Norsepower’s Rotor Sail technology has been certified by Lloyd’s Register, ensuring it meets high safety and performance standards.

  • WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award (2019): Norsepower received this prestigious award in recognition of its innovative approach to reducing the environmental impact of shipping.

  • The Marine Propulsion Awards (2019): Norsepower was honored with the Ship Efficiency Award for its Rotor Sail technology.

  • International Maritime Organization (IMO) Endorsement: The IMO has acknowledged the effectiveness of wind-assisted propulsion technologies like Norsepower’s Rotor Sails in reducing emissions.

Future Goals:

Norsepower is committed to furthering its impact on sustainability through continuous innovation and expansion. Some of the company’s stated future goals include:

  • Expansion of Rotor Sail Installations: Norsepower aims to increase the adoption of its Rotor Sail technology across a broader range of vessel types and sizes, including bulk carriers, tankers, and passenger ships.

  • Technological Advancements: The company is investing in research and development to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of its Rotor Sails, including exploring new materials and designs.

  • Global Market Penetration: Norsepower plans to expand its market presence globally, targeting regions with high maritime activity and stringent environmental regulations.

  • Collaborative Projects: The company is engaging in partnerships with leading shipping companies and research institutions to pilot new projects and validate the benefits of its technology.

  • Sustainability Leadership: Norsepower is dedicated to being a leader in maritime sustainability, actively participating in industry forums, regulatory discussions, and sustainability initiatives to promote cleaner shipping practices.

Community and Social Responsibility

Norsepower actively engages with local and global communities through various initiatives aimed at promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility. The company participates in industry forums and collaborates with environmental organizations to advocate for cleaner shipping practices. Norsepower also supports local initiatives in Helsinki, Finland, where it is headquartered, focusing on environmental education and community development.

Customer and Public Perception

Norsepower has received positive feedback from customers who have implemented its Rotor Sail technology. Testimonials often highlight the significant fuel savings and emission reductions achieved, as well as the reliability and ease of integration of the Rotor Sails. Customers appreciate the company’s commitment to sustainability and its proactive approach to addressing their needs and concerns.

Norsepower has garnered significant media attention for its innovative technology and contributions to maritime sustainability. The company has been featured in leading industry publications such as Marine Log, The Maritime Executive, and Ship Technology, as well as mainstream media outlets like BBC and Forbes. This coverage has helped raise awareness of the benefits of wind-assisted propulsion and positioned Norsepower as a leader in the field.


Norsepower stands out as a pioneering company in the maritime industry, leveraging innovative Rotor Sail technology to significantly reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions in shipping. Founded in 2012 and headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, Norsepower has achieved key milestones, including successful installations on various vessel types and notable fuel savings, which have been validated through case studies such as Viking Grace, Maersk Pelican, SC Connector, and MV Estraden.

The company's commitment to sustainability is evident through its advanced materials, automated control systems, and scalable designs, ensuring that its solutions are both efficient and adaptable. Norsepower's dedication to research and development, coupled with strategic partnerships and a strong market presence, positions it as a leader in auxiliary wind propulsion technology.

Norsepower’s impact extends beyond technology through active community engagement, educational initiatives, and comprehensive employee programs that promote sustainability. Positive customer reviews, significant media coverage, and a robust PR strategy have further enhanced its reputation and visibility in the industry.

As global regulations tighten and the maritime industry seeks sustainable solutions, Norsepower's Rotor Sail technology offers a viable and impactful option for reducing the environmental footprint of shipping. With its focus on innovation, community responsibility, and sustainability, Norsepower is poised to play a crucial role in the transition towards carbon zero emissions in the maritime sector.

Karol Kaczmarek
Written by:
Karol Kaczmarek
Co-founder of Net Zero Compare
Karol is a seasoned entrepreneur and co-founder of A&K Ventures OÜ. With a strong foundation in quantitative economics, he has a proven track record in strategic consulting, real estate, and global business expansion. Karol is dedicated to leveraging innovative technologies and creative business strategies to drive growth and transformation in every venture.