Net Zero Compare

SimaPro: Empowering Sustainable Decision-Making with Comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment

Written by Polina Martinuka
Published August 7th, 2024
8 min read


SimaPro, developed by PRé Sustainability, is a premier life cycle assessment (LCA) software used to evaluate and improve the environmental impact of products and services. Since 1990, it has become essential for sustainability professionals across various industries, offering extensive LCI databases and multiple LCIA methods. Key features include scenario analysis, customization, robust reporting, and integration with tools like Excel and MATLAB. Its user-friendly interface and collaboration capabilities make it accessible to diverse teams. SimaPro enables informed decision-making, process optimization, and effective sustainability communication. As sustainability becomes more crucial, SimaPro continues to evolve with new data sources, impact assessment methods, and enhanced user experiences.
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Deep dive

In today’s world, where sustainability is a critical concern for businesses and consumers alike, tools that provide clear insights into environmental impacts are invaluable. SimaPro, developed by PRé Sustainability, stands out as a leading life cycle assessment (LCA) software that aids in making informed, sustainable decisions.

SimaPro is a robust LCA software used by sustainability professionals, researchers, and companies across various industries to analyze the environmental impacts of products and services. Since its inception in 1990, SimaPro has evolved to become a comprehensive tool that supports detailed environmental assessments, helping organizations improve their sustainability performance.

"Like no other, we know transparency contributes to a better, more sustainable world. The facts are the facts. Let’s use life cycle information as fuel for better actions and practices."


Key Features

  1. Extensive LCI Databases: SimaPro includes access to numerous Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) databases, such as Ecoinvent and the US LCI database. These databases contain extensive data on materials, processes, and products, providing a solid foundation for accurate LCA studies.

  2. Impact Assessment Methods: The software supports various Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) methods, including ReCiPe, ILCD, and TRACI. These methods allow users to evaluate multiple environmental impact categories, such as climate change, human toxicity, and resource depletion.

  3. Scenario Analysis: SimaPro enables users to model different scenarios, allowing for comparisons between various product designs, materials, and processes. This feature is crucial for identifying the most sustainable options.

  4. User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be accessible to both beginners and advanced users, SimaPro features a user-friendly interface that simplifies data entry, process modelling, and result visualization.

  5. Customization and Flexibility: Users can tailor SimaPro to their specific needs by adding custom processes and datasets, creating detailed models, and conducting sensitivity analyses.

  6. Reporting and Communication: The software offers robust reporting tools that help generate clear and comprehensive reports, facilitating effective communication of findings to stakeholders, clients, and regulatory bodies.

  7. Multi-User Collaboration: SimaPro supports multi-user functionality, making it easier for teams to collaborate on projects and share data within their organizations.

  8. Integration with Other Tools: The software can be integrated with other tools and platforms, such as Excel and MATLAB, enhancing data analysis and reporting capabilities.

Case studies

Philips: Reducing Environmental Impact in Consumer Electronics

Philips, a global leader in consumer electronics, aimed to reduce the environmental impact of its products, particularly its energy-efficient lighting solutions. Using SimaPro, Philips conducted comprehensive LCAs on their lighting products. By analyzing the entire life cycle, from raw material extraction to end-of-life disposal, Philips identified key areas for improvement. The assessment revealed opportunities to enhance energy efficiency in the manufacturing process and use phase. Additionally, Philips optimized material selection, reducing the use of harmful substances and increasing the recyclability of their products. The detailed reports generated by SimaPro helped Philips communicate their sustainability efforts to stakeholders, enhancing their corporate responsibility profile.

Unilever: Enhancing Sustainability in the Supply Chain

Unilever, a multinational consumer goods company, sought to improve the sustainability of its supply chain, focusing on its food and beverage products. SimaPro was used to perform LCAs on various product lines, enabling Unilever to assess the environmental impacts of different ingredients and production processes. Through this analysis, Unilever identified the most impactful stages in its supply chain and worked with suppliers to adopt more sustainable practices. The company also reformulated products to use less environmentally intensive ingredients without compromising on quality. By improving the environmental profile of its products, Unilever was able to market them as more sustainable choices to environmentally conscious consumers.

BASF: Optimizing Chemical Production

BASF, a leading chemical company, aimed to reduce the environmental impact of its extensive range of chemical products. BASF utilized SimaPro to conduct LCAs on various chemicals, focusing on reducing emissions and resource use during production. The assessments led to the optimization of production processes, resulting in lower energy consumption and reduced emissions. BASF developed new, more sustainable chemicals and materials, enhancing their market competitiveness. The detailed LCA reports also helped BASF meet stringent environmental regulations and standards, showcasing their commitment to sustainability.

ArcelorMittal: Sustainable Steel Production

ArcelorMittal, the world’s largest steel producer, aimed to minimize the environmental footprint of its steel production processes. Using SimaPro, ArcelorMittal performed LCAs to identify the most significant environmental impacts associated with steel production. The company implemented energy-saving measures that reduced the carbon footprint of steel manufacturing. ArcelorMittal also improved waste management practices, increasing recycling rates and reducing landfill use. Insights from SimaPro assessments supported the development of new steel products with lower environmental impacts, furthering ArcelorMittal's sustainability initiatives.

IKEA: Sustainable Furniture Design

IKEA, a global furniture retailer, sought to enhance the sustainability of its product lines, focusing on materials and production processes. IKEA used SimaPro to conduct LCAs on various furniture products, analyzing the environmental impacts from raw materials to end-of-life. The company adopted more sustainable materials, such as renewable and recycled resources, in its products. Additionally, IKEA improved the overall lifecycle management of its products, extending their durability and reducing waste. The detailed environmental profiles of products helped IKEA inform customers about the sustainability of their purchases, aligning with IKEA's commitment to environmental stewardship.


  1. GaBi

    • Overview: Developed by Sphera, GaBi is one of the most widely used LCA tools globally. It provides extensive databases and supports a range of LCA methodologies.

    • Strengths: GaBi is known for its user-friendly interface, extensive industry-specific datasets, and strong integration with other software tools. It is particularly popular in the manufacturing and automotive sectors.

  2. OpenLCA

    • Overview: An open-source LCA software developed by GreenDelta, OpenLCA is favoured for its flexibility and cost-effectiveness.

    • Strengths: OpenLCA offers transparency and customization options due to its open-source nature. It supports a wide range of databases and methodologies, making it suitable for academic and research purposes.

  3. Umberto

    • Overview: Developed by ifu Hamburg, Umberto combines LCA with material flow analysis (MFA) to provide comprehensive insights into environmental impacts.

    • Strengths: Umberto is known for its powerful visualization capabilities and its ability to model complex production processes. It is often used in industries with intricate supply chains, such as chemicals and electronics.

  4. EcoChain

    • Overview: EcoChain focuses on simplifying sustainability data management and reporting for businesses.

    • Strengths: It offers a cloud-based platform that is user-friendly and geared towards SMEs. EcoChain is particularly strong in providing quick, high-level sustainability insights and facilitating compliance reporting.

How SimaPro Stands Out

"We believe true sustainable impact stems from trustworthy information."


  1. Comprehensive Databases

    SimaPro boasts extensive LCI databases, including Ecoinvent and the US LCI database, providing users with a rich repository of data for accurate assessments. This breadth of data supports detailed and reliable analyses across various industries.

  2. Advanced Impact Assessment Methods

    SimaPro supports a wide range of LCIA methods such as ReCiPe, ILCD, and TRACI, allowing users to evaluate multiple environmental impact categories comprehensively. This versatility makes it suitable for both basic and advanced LCA practitioners.

  3. Scenario Analysis and Customization

    One of SimaPro’s key strengths is its ability to model different scenarios and conduct sensitivity analyses. Users can customize the software to fit specific needs by adding custom processes and datasets, providing flexibility not always available in competing tools.

  4. User-Friendly Interface and Robust Reporting

    While some competitors excel in specific niches, SimaPro strikes a balance with a user-friendly interface that caters to both beginners and experts. It offers robust reporting tools that generate clear and comprehensive reports, facilitating effective communication with stakeholders.

  5. Integration and Collaboration

    SimaPro supports integration with other tools and platforms, enhancing its data analysis and reporting capabilities. Additionally, its multi-user functionality allows teams to collaborate on projects seamlessly, a feature that is highly valued in large organizations.

  6. Training and Support

    PRé Sustainability, the developer of SimaPro, provides extensive training and support services. This includes webinars, tutorials, and personalized support, ensuring users can effectively leverage the software’s capabilities. This level of support is often highlighted as superior compared to some competitors.

  7. Industry Applications

    SimaPro is used across a wide range of industries, from manufacturing and construction to agriculture and waste management. Its adaptability and comprehensive approach make it a versatile tool for various sustainability applications, setting it apart from more specialized competitors.

As sustainability becomes increasingly critical, SimaPro's future looks promising, with continuous developments to meet the growing demand for advanced environmental assessment tools. Key areas of evolution include enhanced data integration and accessibility, enabling seamless connections with real-time data and cloud-based solutions for more accurate and collaborative assessments.


SimaPro offers several pricing plans tailored to different user needs, both for business and educational purposes:

  • SimaPro Expert: €5,900 annually. This plan includes scenario analysis, uncertainty calculation, and access to multiple databases like ecoinvent v3 and Agri-footprint. It’s available as a single or multi-user license and includes the Report Maker add-on.

  • SimaPro Power: €7,564 annually. It includes all features of the Expert plan plus additional capabilities like hiding confidential data and linking to other tools like Excel and SQL databases.

  • SimaPro PhD: €2,630 annually. Designed for PhD students, it includes advanced features suitable for comprehensive LCA studies.

  • SimaPro Faculty: €3,800 annually. Ideal for teaching, this plan supports easy modelling and interactive results analysis for one lecturer and their students.

For detailed information and additional options, you can visit the SimaPro pricing page.

Polina Martinuka
Written by:
Polina Martinuka
Sustainability Research Analyst
Recently graduating from a university in the UK, with a Bachelor's degree in Multimedia Journalism, Polina brings a unique blend of investigative skills, the ability to analyze complex data and environmental awareness.