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Pattern Energy: Wind & Solar Energy Projects: Powering the Future with Nature

Written by Polina Martinuka
Published September 9th, 2024
10 min read


Pattern Energy develops and operates large-scale wind, solar, and energy storage projects across North and South America. Their wind farms use advanced, high-capacity turbines, while their solar farms feature cutting-edge photovoltaic panels with tracking systems to maximize efficiency. Major projects, like the SunZia Wind and Transmission Project, contribute significantly to clean energy goals by providing renewable energy to key markets. Pattern Energy’s projects are designed to reduce carbon emissions, support grid stability, and drive the transition to sustainable energy.
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Pattern Energy: Wind & Solar Energy Projects
Date of establishment

Deep dive

Pattern Energy's energy projects encompass a broad range of renewable energy generation initiatives, particularly focused on wind, solar, and energy storage. These projects are designed to provide sustainable, reliable energy solutions to utilities, businesses, and communities.

Wind Energy Projects

Pattern Energy develops, owns, and operates wind farms across North and South America. This includes site selection, environmental assessments, permitting, and securing land rights. The company conducts in-depth studies to ensure optimal wind resource availability for energy generation.

They oversee the design and construction of wind farms, including the procurement of turbines, installation, and grid connection. This phase ensures that the projects are built to last and operate efficiently.

Pattern Energy not only builds wind farms but also manages the day-to-day operations, monitoring performance, conducting maintenance, and ensuring long-term efficiency. They provide ongoing support to maximize energy output.

The electricity generated by wind farms is sold through Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), securing long-term revenue streams for the company and stable, clean energy for buyers like utilities and corporations.

Solar Energy Projects

Similar to wind energy, Pattern Energy also builds and operates utility-scale solar farms, converting sunlight into renewable electricity for distribution to local grids. The company identifies optimal locations for solar energy projects, focusing on areas with abundant sunlight. The company conducts feasibility studies and navigates the permitting and regulatory landscape.

Pattern Energy provides full-scale engineering and construction services for solar farms. This includes solar panel layout design, installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, and integration with the electrical grid.

After construction, Pattern Energy manages the operations of the solar plants, including system monitoring, routine maintenance, and performance optimization. They ensure that the solar panels are working efficiently to generate maximum power.

Many solar projects are integrated with energy storage systems to capture excess energy during peak production times and release it when demand is high, balancing grid stability.

Solar energy generated from these projects is often sold through long-term PPAs to corporations or utilities, allowing businesses to meet their renewable energy goals.


Types of Turbines Used in Pattern Energy’s Wind Projects

Pattern Energy employs advanced turbine technology in its wind energy projects to maximize efficiency, reduce maintenance needs, and generate reliable power. The selection of turbines depends on various factors, including wind speeds, environmental conditions, and the specific requirements of each project.

1. High-Capacity Turbines

Pattern Energy typically uses high-capacity turbines, ranging from 2 MW to over 5 MW per turbine, depending on the project size and location. These turbines are capable of generating substantial amounts of electricity, contributing to the large-scale nature of many of their wind farms.

Many of the turbines in their projects feature tall towers (up to 150 meters or more) and large rotor diameters (often exceeding 120 meters). The larger rotor blades allow turbines to capture more wind energy, even at lower wind speeds, thus increasing overall energy output.

2. Low-Maintenance Models

Some of Pattern Energy’s turbines utilize direct-drive technology, which eliminates the need for a gearbox. Gearboxes in traditional turbines are prone to wear and require regular maintenance. Direct-drive turbines, on the other hand, are simpler, have fewer moving parts, and are generally more reliable, reducing the frequency of maintenance.

The turbines used by Pattern Energy are designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions, including high winds, extreme temperatures, and corrosive environments (such as coastal wind farms). This durability ensures that they remain operational for extended periods, minimizing downtime and maintenance costs.

3. Smart Turbines and Sensors

Many of Pattern Energy’s wind turbines are equipped with advanced sensors that monitor various parameters, such as wind speed, temperature, rotor speed, and power output. This data is used to optimize the performance of each turbine in real time.

The turbines feature predictive maintenance systems, which use data analytics to predict when parts are likely to fail, allowing maintenance teams to address issues before they cause operational downtime. This reduces overall maintenance costs and improves reliability.

Many turbines have automated blade pitch control systems, which adjust the angle of the blades based on wind speed and direction. This ensures that the turbine captures the maximum amount of energy from the wind while also protecting the equipment from damage during high wind conditions.

Solar Panels in Pattern Energy’s Solar Farms

In their solar energy projects, Pattern Energy deploys advanced photovoltaic (PV) technology designed to maximize efficiency and output.

1. High-Efficiency Photovoltaic Panels

Pattern Energy often uses monocrystalline solar panels in their projects, which are known for their high efficiency and longevity. These panels can convert a higher percentage of sunlight into electricity compared to older polycrystalline models, allowing solar farms to generate more power from the same amount of sunlight.

In some projects, they utilize bifacial solar panels, which can capture sunlight from both the front and back of the panel. This allows the panels to harness reflected sunlight from the ground, further boosting energy generation. These panels are especially effective in regions with high albedo (reflective surfaces), such as deserts.

2. Solar Tracking Systems

Many of Pattern Energy’s solar farms feature solar tracking systems. Single-axis trackers tilt the panels from east to west, following the sun’s movement throughout the day. Dual-axis trackers can adjust both horizontally and vertically, allowing panels to capture sunlight at the optimal angle year-round.

The tracking systems are often connected to weather sensors and integrated with AI-based algorithms that optimize panel positioning based on real-time weather conditions. If a storm or heavy cloud cover is detected, the system can adjust the angle of the panels to reduce wind resistance and protect the infrastructure.

3. Thin-Film Solar Panels

In certain solar projects, especially those where flexibility is important, Pattern Energy has deployed thin-film solar panels. These panels are lightweight and can be installed in areas where traditional silicon panels might not be suitable. While slightly less efficient than monocrystalline panels, they perform better in low-light conditions and are more cost-effective for large-scale installations.

Technology for Predicting Wind Patterns and Optimizing Energy Generation

In both their wind and solar energy projects, Pattern Energy uses cutting-edge technology to optimize energy production. The ability to accurately predict wind patterns and solar irradiance plays a critical role in the efficiency and reliability of renewable energy generation.

1. Wind Resource Assessment

Before installing wind turbines, Pattern Energy uses LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and SODAR (Sonic Detection and Ranging) technologies to measure wind speeds and patterns at various heights. These systems send pulses of light or sound into the atmosphere to collect data on wind speeds, direction, and turbulence, allowing for precise site assessment and turbine placement.

Pattern Energy uses advanced wind modelling software to predict how wind patterns will change over time, factoring in local topography, temperature, and other environmental conditions. These models help in optimizing turbine placement and blade design to maximize energy capture.

2. Solar Irradiance Prediction

For their solar projects, Pattern Energy integrates satellite-based solar irradiance data with ground-based sensors to continuously monitor sunlight levels. This data is used to fine-tune solar panel positioning and adjust energy output predictions.

Solar farms use cloud tracking systems that predict cloud movements in real-time. These systems allow the solar panels to prepare for sudden changes in sunlight intensity and adjust the energy output accordingly. If a cloud cover is detected, panels can adjust their tilt to capture maximum diffused sunlight.

3. AI and Machine Learning for Optimization

Pattern Energy employs AI and machine learning algorithms to predict daily and seasonal energy generation, using historical data and real-time weather information. These systems can forecast how much energy will be generated by a wind or solar farm at any given time, allowing for better integration with the power grid and more efficient energy dispatch.

AI is also used to optimize turbine performance by analyzing sensor data from each wind turbine and solar panel. These algorithms adjust operations in real time to ensure maximum efficiency, reduce wear on equipment, and anticipate maintenance needs.

Major Ongoing Project: SunZia

SunZia is one of Pattern Energy's most ambitious and significant ongoing renewable energy projects. It involves a massive wind energy development coupled with a new transmission system designed to deliver clean energy from rural areas to major markets.

The SunZia project is divided into two major components:

  1. SunZia Wind: A 3,500+ MW wind facility in New Mexico, set to be the largest wind project in the Western Hemisphere. This area has some of the highest wind speeds and the most consistent conditions for generating electricity through wind power and it will be enough energy to power approximately 3 million homes.

  2. SunZia Transmission: A 550-mile high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission line to transport up to 3,000 MW of clean energy across Western states, beginning in central New Mexico and ending in south-central Arizona. HVDC reduces energy losses over long distances, ensuring more of the generated power reaches its destination. The transmission line will integrate clean, renewable energy into the existing power grid, helping states meet their renewable energy mandates and decarbonization targets.

Benefits of the SunZia Project

"The SunZia Wind and Transmission projects are expected to generate $20.5 billion dollars in total economic benefit, including direct, indirect, and induced economic benefit as well as fiscal impacts."


1. Clean Energy Contribution

  • SunZia will be a critical part of the United States' renewable energy landscape, providing substantial clean energy capacity. The project is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly, supporting the country's transition away from fossil fuels.

2. Economic Impact

  • The construction and operation of the SunZia project are expected to create more than 2000 jobs in New Mexico and Arizona. These include both short-term construction jobs and long-term operational and maintenance positions.

  • In addition to jobs, the project will bring economic investment to rural communities through infrastructure development, land lease payments to landowners, and contributions to local tax bases.

3. Energy Security and Reliability

  • The SunZia project will enhance energy security by increasing the availability of renewable energy in the Western U.S. and ensuring a more resilient and stable power grid. By diversifying the energy mix and reducing reliance on fossil fuels, SunZia helps to safeguard against volatile energy prices and supply disruptions.

4. Long-Term Sustainability

  • The integration of SunZia into the power grid will help major urban areas, particularly in California and Arizona, meet their renewable energy and carbon reduction goals. The project aligns with state policies aimed at increasing the percentage of power derived from renewable sources, such as California’s target of 100% clean energy by 2045.

Current Status and Timeline

  • The SunZia project has been in development for over a decade. After overcoming several regulatory, environmental, and community engagement hurdles, the project received necessary federal and state approvals. This project recently secured $11 billion in financing and has entered the full construction phase.

  • Construction of the wind farms and transmission line is expected to take place in stages, with completion anticipated within the next few years.

Environmental and Regulatory Considerations


While there are no publicly available fixed prices for Pattern Energy’s services, the cost structure typically involves negotiated PPAs based on the amount of renewable energy generated and delivered. For large-scale projects, pricing is influenced by market conditions, project specifics, and long-term contract commitments. Prospective customers or partners would need to engage directly with Pattern Energy for detailed pricing based on their energy needs, project size, and location.

Polina Martinuka
Written by:
Polina Martinuka
Sustainability Research Analyst
Recently graduating from a university in the UK, with a Bachelor's degree in Multimedia Journalism, Polina brings a unique blend of investigative skills, the ability to analyze complex data and environmental awareness.