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NCX Marketplace: Revolutionizing Forest Conservation with AI-Driven Carbon Credits

Written by Polina Martinuka
Published August 12th, 2024
6 min read
Updated September 17th, 2024


NCX, formerly known as SilviaTerra, is a tech-driven marketplace that focuses on forest carbon credits, allowing landowners to earn revenue by preserving their forests. NCX utilizes AI-driven remote sensing and extensive forest data to create high-integrity carbon credits. These credits are sold to corporations aiming to meet net-zero carbon goals, such as Microsoft and Rubicon. The company's platform is designed to be accessible to a wide range of landowners, including those with smaller plots of land, which has significantly expanded participation in the carbon market.
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NCX Marketplace
Date of establishment

Deep dive

How It Works

NCX, previously recognized for its innovative approach to forest conservation through AI-driven carbon credits, has recently updated its marketplace strategy. The company has transitioned away from its 1-Year Forest Carbon Program, refocusing its efforts on developing more sustainable and impactful long-term solutions. This shift is aimed at better aligning with scientific recommendations and enhancing the environmental integrity of carbon credits.

"Take your first steps to becoming a natural capitalist. NCX is your guide every step of the way."


The NCX marketplace historically utilized advanced AI and remote sensing technology to measure and verify the carbon storage capacity of forests. Landowners who participated could enrol their land, and the platform would calculate potential carbon credits based on the conservation of their forests over a specific period. However, as of 2024, NCX has halted its short-term 1-Year Forest Carbon Program, marking a significant shift towards fostering longer-term commitments that ensure a more substantial climate impact.

These carbon credits were traditionally made available to corporations and entities looking to offset their carbon emissions. Moving forward, NCX is developing new programs that focus on longer-term forest conservation, ensuring that companies continue to invest in verified, high-quality offsets that contribute to lasting environmental impact.

Key Features:

  • Long-Term Focus: The marketplace is now evolving to support programs that offer longer-term commitments, which are more effective in achieving significant climate benefits. This change addresses the limitations of short-term carbon credits by emphasizing permanence and sustainability.

  • Transparency and Integrity: NCX remains committed to providing detailed, science-driven insights into how carbon credits are calculated. The new focus on long-term projects ensures that both landowners and buyers can trust the integrity of the credits traded.

  • Sustainability and Impact: By moving away from the short-term model, NCX is doubling down on its mission to support forest conservation efforts that offer substantial environmental and economic benefits over time. This approach is designed to better meet global climate goals and provide more reliable revenue streams for landowners.

Case studies

1. Microsoft's Carbon Offset Initiative

One of the most prominent examples is Microsoft's partnership with NCX to purchase carbon credits as part of its broader carbon-neutrality goals. Microsoft, a leader in corporate sustainability efforts, selected NCX for its commitment to high-integrity carbon offsets. Through this partnership, Microsoft purchased carbon credits generated by landowners across the U.S. who committed to delaying timber harvests, effectively sequestering significant amounts of carbon dioxide that would have otherwise been released. This case study highlights NCX's ability to meet the rigorous standards of one of the world's largest tech companies, providing a scalable solution for corporate sustainability.

2. Rubicon's Sustainable Forestry Commitment

Rubicon, a technology company focused on waste and recycling solutions, used NCX's marketplace to offset its carbon emissions by purchasing credits from forests that were part of NCX's program. This initiative not only helped Rubicon achieve its sustainability targets but also supported local landowners in maintaining and conserving their forests. The case demonstrates how companies from different sectors can utilize NCX's marketplace to contribute to environmental sustainability while meeting their corporate social responsibility goals.

3. Small Landowners in Appalachia

NCX has also made a significant impact by enabling small landowners in regions like Appalachia to participate in the carbon market. In one case, a group of small landowners in the Appalachian region collectively enrolled in NCX's program, which allowed them to generate revenue by preserving their forests. This case study is particularly important because it shows how NCX's platform can be a viable option for landowners with smaller parcels of land, providing them with financial incentives to maintain their forests and contribute to climate change mitigation.

4. Forest Conservation in the Southeast U.S.

In the southeastern United States, NCX facilitated a large-scale forest conservation project that involved multiple landowners across several states. These landowners were able to delay timber harvesting, resulting in the conservation of vast forested areas. The project not only generated substantial carbon credits but also preserved critical wildlife habitats and supported local biodiversity. This case study exemplifies the broader environmental benefits of participating in NCX's marketplace beyond carbon sequestration.


Technology and Innovation

AI-Driven Remote Sensing

At the core of NCX's technology is its use of artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze data collected from remote sensing tools, such as satellites and aerial imagery. These AI algorithms can process vast amounts of data to assess the health, density, and carbon storage potential of forests. This technology enables NCX to monitor forests in real-time and to make accurate predictions about the amount of carbon that can be sequestered by delaying timber harvests. The AI models are continuously refined, improving their accuracy over time as more data becomes available.

High-Resolution Forest Data

NCX's platform utilizes high-resolution data to conduct detailed forest inventories. This data includes information about tree species, diameter, height, and overall forest biomass, which are critical factors in calculating carbon sequestration. By using such granular data, NCX can provide landowners and carbon credit buyers with highly accurate estimates of the carbon stored in a specific area of forest. This level of detail helps to ensure that the carbon credits generated are both credible and verifiable, which is essential for maintaining trust in the marketplace.

Patent Portfolio and Innovations

NCX has developed several proprietary technologies that are protected by patents, further distinguishing it from competitors. For example, one of NCX's patents covers the "on-demand estimation of potential carbon credit production for a forested area," which allows the company to quickly and accurately determine the carbon credits that can be generated from a specific plot of land. Another patent involves the "automated determination of tree inventories in ecological regions using probabilistic analysis of overhead images." This technology enables NCX to automate the process of analyzing large areas of forest, reducing the time and cost associated with manual surveys.​


  1. Pachama: Specializes in AI and remote sensing to monitor forests and generate carbon credits, focusing on reforestation and conservation projects globally, particularly in regions like the Amazon.

  2. Flowcarbon: Utilizes blockchain technology to create a transparent and secure marketplace for carbon credits, making it easier to trade and track them on decentralized platforms.

  3. Cleartrace: Offers broader carbon accounting services, including real-time energy management, which helps companies measure and offset their carbon footprints across various operations​

What sets NCX apart?

While other companies in the carbon offset space also use remote sensing and AI, NCX's combination of high-resolution data and proprietary algorithms gives it a competitive edge. For instance, some competitors may rely on less detailed satellite imagery or manual data collection, which can lead to less accurate carbon credit estimations.

NCX’s new focus on long-term forest conservation projects, combined with its advanced technology, sets it apart from competitors. By ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and sustainability of its carbon credits, NCX remains a trusted partner for corporations seeking to meet stringent net-zero goals.

Polina Martinuka
Written by:
Polina Martinuka
Sustainability Research Analyst
Recently graduating from a university in the UK, with a Bachelor's degree in Multimedia Journalism, Polina brings a unique blend of investigative skills, the ability to analyze complex data and environmental awareness.