Net Zero Compare

Indigo Ag


Indigo Ag is a company that focuses on enhancing the health and sustainability of agriculture through microbiology, digital technologies, and innovative financial solutions. The company aims to improve farmer profitability, environmental sustainability, and consumer health through innovative approaches to agriculture. Indigo Ag started by developing microbial seed treatments that enhance crop resilience to stressors like drought and improve yield. Indigo Ag has a strong focus on regenerative agriculture, which aims to restore soil health, increase biodiversity, and sequester carbon in the soil. The company runs the Indigo Carbon program, which helps farmers adopt sustainable practices and earn carbon credits that can be sold to companies seeking to offset their emissions. The company offers a suite of digital agronomy tools to help farmers optimize their operations, from planting to harvesting.
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We don’t push agendas. At Net Zero Compare, we cut through the hype and fear to deliver the straightforward facts you need for making informed decisions on green products and services. Whether motivated by compliance, customer demands, or a real passion for the environment, you’re welcome here. We provide reliable information—why you seek it is not our concern.


Company name
Indigo Ag
Boston, Massachusetts
Date of establishment


Carbon by Indigo

Sustainable Farming That Pays
Food & Agriculture
Indigo Ag's Carbon Program helps farmers earn income by adopting sustainable farming practices that sequester carbon in the soil. By implementing techniques like planting cover crops and reducing tillage, farmers can generate high-quality carbon credits verified by trusted registries such as the Climate Action Reserve. These credits are then sold to companies looking to offset their emissions, providing a new revenue stream for farmers while promoting environmental benefits.