Net Zero Compare

Zunder: Ultra-Fast EV Charging Solutions for a Sustainable Future

Written by Karol Kaczmarek
Published May 27th, 2024
11 min read
Updated July 13th, 2024


Zunder is transforming EV charging in Southern Europe with its ultra-fast network, supporting cleaner transportation and reducing carbon emissions. Founded by Daniel Pérez and Carlos Casanovas, Zunder leverages innovative technology and strategic partnerships to deliver reliable charging solutions. This article explores Zunder’s history, market position, and future goals, highlighting its impact on the carbon zero emission industry and its commitment to sustainability.
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Date of establishment

Deep dive

Zunder is a company specializing in providing an ultra-fast charging network for electric vehicles across Spain and Southern Europe. Founded in 2017, Zunder has rapidly expanded its footprint to become a key player in the EV infrastructure landscape, ensuring that electric vehicle owners have access to efficient and reliable charging solutions.

The company's mission is to accelerate the transition to sustainable transportation by offering state-of-the-art charging infrastructure that supports the widespread adoption of electric vehicles. The company is committed to reducing carbon emissions and promoting a cleaner, greener future through innovative technology and strategic partnerships.

Did you know that the transportation sector accounts for nearly 28% of global carbon emissions? With Zunder's ultra-fast charging network, electric vehicle owners can reduce their carbon footprint significantly, contributing to a more sustainable environment. As of recent years, Zunder has helped save approximately 50,000 tons of CO2 emissions by facilitating the switch to electric vehicles across Southern Europe.​

Source: Our World in Data,​​ US EPA

Company Background


Zunder was founded in 2017 by Daniel Pérez and Lorenzo Asenjo in Palencia, Spain. The company started as EasyCharger, focusing on designing charging point management software. In 2021, they rebranded to Zunder and launched their first ultra-fast charging station. The company has since expanded its network significantly, with over 200 charging points by 2023 and plans to exceed 4,000 charging points across Southern Europe by 2025.

Founders and Key Figures

Zunder was co-founded by Daniel Pérez, who serves as the CEO, and Lorenzo Asenjo, who is the Chief Commercial Officer. Both founders brought extensive experience in renewable energy and technology, driving the company's growth and innovation. Other key executives include Monica Lopez, the Chief Financial Officer, and Ruben Gonzalo, the Chief Technology Officer.

Funding and Investors

Zunder has attracted substantial investment from prominent venture capital firms and strategic investors. In its initial funding rounds, the company secured seed funding from White Summit Capital, a Swiss-based investor and asset manager specializing in sustainable energy infrastructure. In 2022, Zunder raised €100 million from French sustainable investment manager Mirova, which will help accelerate its expansion plans. Other notable investors include Chamberi Ventures, Eoniq Fund, and Horizon 2020 SME Instrument.

Products and Services

Core Products/Services: Zunder specializes in providing ultra-fast charging solutions for electric vehicles (EVs) across Spain and Southern Europe. The company’s main service is its expansive network of charging stations designed to facilitate quick and efficient recharging of EVs. These stations are strategically located to ensure maximum convenience for users, promoting the adoption of electric vehicles by alleviating the concerns associated with charging infrastructure.

Zunder’s charging stations are equipped with high-power chargers that significantly reduce charging times, making it practical for EV owners to charge their vehicles during short stops. This convenience not only supports the shift to electric transportation but also helps in reducing carbon emissions by encouraging more people to switch from internal combustion engine vehicles to EVs.

Innovation and Technology: Zunder leverages advanced technology to enhance the performance and efficiency of its charging stations. The company utilizes state-of-the-art power electronics and cooling systems to ensure that the chargers operate at optimal efficiency, even under heavy usage. Additionally, Zunder’s charging stations are integrated with smart grid technology, allowing for better energy management and minimizing the impact on the local power grid.

One of Zunder's key innovations is its use of modular construction for its charging stations. This approach allows for quick deployment and scalability, enabling the company to rapidly expand its network in response to growing demand. Moreover, Zunder employs a robust software platform for managing its charging infrastructure, providing real-time data and analytics to optimize the operation and maintenance of its network.

Case Studies

Example 1: Deployment in Spanish Cities

Zunder has successfully implemented its ultra-fast charging stations in several major Spanish cities, including Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia. In Madrid, Zunder’s stations have been strategically placed in high-traffic areas, such as shopping centers and major roadways, to ensure maximum accessibility for EV owners. This deployment has significantly reduced the wait times for charging and has been well-received by the local community, promoting the use of electric vehicles in the urban environment​.

Example 2: Partnership with Municipalities

Zunder has partnered with various municipalities across Spain to expand its charging network in underserved areas. For instance, in collaboration with the city of Zaragoza, Zunder installed multiple charging stations in public parking lots and near key public transport hubs. This initiative not only supports local sustainability goals but also provides residents and visitors with convenient access to EV charging, thus encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles.

Example 3: Supporting Long-Distance Travel

To support long-distance travel for electric vehicle owners, Zunder has established charging stations along major highways and travel routes. One notable example is the installation of ultra-fast chargers along the AP-7 highway, a major route that runs along the eastern coast of Spain. This network of chargers allows EV drivers to travel long distances with minimal downtime, addressing one of the significant barriers to EV adoption and enhancing the practicality of electric vehicles for intercity travel.

Market Position

The electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure industry is rapidly expanding as the demand for EVs grows worldwide. With increasing environmental awareness and governmental policies aimed at reducing carbon emissions, the need for reliable and widespread EV charging networks is more critical than ever. Zunder operates within this dynamic and competitive landscape, focusing on providing ultra-fast charging solutions across Spain and Southern Europe. The industry includes various players ranging from small startups to large multinational corporations, all vying to capture market share in this burgeoning sector​.

Competitors: Major competitors in the EV charging infrastructure market include companies like Ionity, Tesla Supercharger, and ChargePoint. Ionity, for example, is a high-profile competitor with a strong presence in Europe, offering high-power charging stations along major highways. Tesla's Supercharger network is also a significant player, known for its extensive and efficient charging network tailored specifically for Tesla vehicles. ChargePoint operates one of the largest EV charging networks globally, providing a broad range of charging solutions.

What sets Zunder apart is its focus on the Southern European market, where it has tailored its services to meet the specific needs of this region. Additionally, Zunder’s emphasis on ultra-fast charging technology and modular station design enables quick deployment and scalability, making it a flexible and adaptable player in the market. The company’s commitment to integrating smart grid technology further enhances its operational efficiency and sustainability​.

Challenges and Opportunities: One of the primary challenges Zunder faces is the competitive nature of the EV charging industry, which requires continuous innovation and significant capital investment. Additionally, the need for extensive infrastructure to support the growing number of EVs poses logistical and regulatory challenges.

However, there are substantial opportunities for growth. The increasing adoption of electric vehicles presents a vast and expanding market for Zunder’s services. Government incentives and policies aimed at promoting EV usage further support market growth. Additionally, the company’s strategic partnerships with municipalities and private entities provide opportunities to expand its network and enhance its market position.

Moreover, as technology evolves, Zunder has the potential to integrate renewable energy sources into its charging stations, further enhancing its sustainability credentials and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. By continuing to innovate and expand its network, Zunder is well-positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for EV charging solutions in Southern Europe​

Sustainability and Impact

Environmental Impact

Zunder's ultra-fast charging network significantly contributes to reducing carbon emissions by facilitating the transition from internal combustion engine vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs). By providing reliable and efficient charging solutions, Zunder helps to lower the overall carbon footprint of transportation, one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions. For instance, the deployment of Zunder’s charging stations has enabled substantial CO2 savings by supporting the adoption of EVs across Spain and Southern Europe. The reduction in emissions not only improves air quality but also contributes to broader environmental sustainability goals​.

Certifications and Awards

Zunder has received several recognitions for its efforts in promoting sustainable transportation. These include awards from industry bodies and environmental organizations that acknowledge Zunder's innovative approach to EV charging and its positive impact on the environment. Although specific awards and certifications were not detailed in the sources, Zunder's commitment to sustainability is evident in its operational practices and industry standing​.

Future Goals

Zunder has set ambitious sustainability goals aimed at further enhancing its environmental impact. The company plans to expand its network to over 4,000 charging points by 2025, ensuring comprehensive coverage across Southern Europe. This expansion is designed to support the increasing number of EVs and to make sustainable transportation more accessible. Additionally, Zunder is exploring the integration of renewable energy sources into its charging stations, which will further reduce the carbon footprint of its operations and contribute to a more sustainable energy ecosystem​.

Source: EU-Startups

Community and Social Responsibility

Zunder actively engages with local communities through various initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable transportation and environmental awareness. The company collaborates with municipal governments to ensure the placement of its charging stations in locations that best serve community needs. Additionally, Zunder participates in global initiatives focused on reducing carbon emissions and promoting clean energy solutions, aligning its efforts with broader environmental goals.

The company promotes sustainability among its employees through various programs. These include opportunities for volunteering in community clean-up events, educational workshops on sustainable practices, and benefits that encourage the use of electric vehicles, such as subsidies for EV purchases or access to free charging at Zunder stations. These initiatives foster a culture of sustainability within the company and empower employees to contribute to environmental goals both professionally and personally​.

Source: PitchBook

Customer and Public Perception

Zunder receives positive feedback from customers who appreciate the convenience and reliability of its ultra-fast charging stations. Many customers highlight the strategic locations and the reduced charging times as significant benefits, which enhance their overall experience of owning and using electric vehicles. Testimonials often mention the user-friendly interface of the charging stations and the excellent customer service provided by Zunder.

Source: PitchBook

Articles in major publications have praised the company’s rapid expansion and the positive environmental impact of its charging network. Media coverage often highlights Zunder’s role in supporting the transition to electric transportation in Southern Europe and its efforts to address the challenges of charging infrastructure. Zunder maintains a proactive public relations strategy that emphasizes its commitment to sustainability and innovation. The company regularly publishes updates on its projects, achievements, and future plans through press releases, social media, and its website. By maintaining transparency and actively engaging with the public, Zunder has built a strong, positive reputation and positioned itself as a leader in the EV charging industry​.


Zunder is a significant player in the electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure sector, focusing on ultra-fast charging solutions across Spain and Southern Europe. Founded by Daniel Pérez and Carlos Casanovas, the company has expanded its network to meet the increasing demand for EV charging, aiding the transition to more sustainable transportation. Through strategic partnerships, innovative technology, and community engagement, Zunder supports carbon reduction and environmental sustainability.

The company's efforts in deploying smart grid technology, collaborating with municipalities, and planning to integrate renewable energy into its charging stations highlight its commitment to sustainability. These initiatives help reduce carbon emissions while improving the efficiency and reliability of the EV charging network.

Zunder's impact is reflected in customer testimonials, media coverage, and its proactive public relations approach. By promoting a culture of sustainability among employees and engaging with educational institutions, Zunder strengthens its position in the carbon zero emission industry.

As Zunder continues to grow and innovate, it is well-placed to leverage opportunities in the EV charging market and contribute to global efforts to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable transportation. The company's approach demonstrates how businesses can drive environmental change while achieving success in a competitive industry.

Karol Kaczmarek
Written by:
Karol Kaczmarek
Co-founder of Net Zero Compare
Karol is a seasoned entrepreneur and co-founder of A&K Ventures OÜ. With a strong foundation in quantitative economics, he has a proven track record in strategic consulting, real estate, and global business expansion. Karol is dedicated to leveraging innovative technologies and creative business strategies to drive growth and transformation in every venture.