Net Zero Compare

natcap: Nature Intelligence for a Sustainable Future

Written by Karol Kaczmarek
Published March 23rd, 2024
4 min read
Updated July 12th, 2024


NatCap Research provides services in nature advisory, nature intelligence, and science-driven insights, developed from Oxford University research. They offer expert guidance on nature strategy design and execution, a proprietary geospatial data platform for nature metrics and analysis, and audit-grade data for external scrutiny.
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Cut through the green tape

We don’t push agendas. At Net Zero Compare, we cut through the hype and fear to deliver the straightforward facts you need for making informed decisions on green products and services. Whether motivated by compliance, customer demands, or a real passion for the environment, you’re welcome here. We provide reliable information—why you seek it is not our concern.


Date of establishment

Deep dive

NatCap Research provides services in nature advisory, nature intelligence, and science-driven insights, developed from Oxford University research. They offer expert guidance on nature strategy design and execution, a proprietary geospatial data platform for nature metrics and analysis, and audit-grade data for external scrutiny. Their process includes scoping objectives, prioritizing actions based on materiality assessments, measuring nature impacts and dependencies, and taking action for audit-grade disclosures.

In an era where environmental sustainability has become a crucial aspect of business operations, NatCap emerges as a trailblazer, offering cutting-edge nature intelligence solutions. With a commitment to scientific expertise and proprietary data, NatCap is reshaping how businesses approach environmental compliance and stewardship, particularly through frameworks like the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

Understanding TNFD, CSRD, and GRI

TNFD focuses on nature-related financial disclosures, offering a framework for organizations to report and act on evolving nature-related risks. CSRD, a policy initiative by the European Union, seeks to improve the transparency and consistency of sustainability reporting, making it mandatory for large companies to disclose information on their environmental and social impacts. GRI stands out as a global standard for sustainability reporting, providing detailed metrics for organizations to measure and report their economic, environmental, and social performance.

Navigating Through TNFD, CSRD, and GRI with NatCap

NatCap stands at the confluence of sustainability and innovation, providing businesses with the tools they need to excel in the dynamic landscape of environmental reporting and management. The company offers a platform that simplifies adherence to TNFD guidelines, ensuring organizations can effectively disclose and address nature-related financial risks. Through CSRD, NatCap enhances the transparency and consistency of sustainability reporting, enabling large enterprises to showcase their environmental and social impacts comprehensively. With GRI, NatCap aids in setting the global standard for sustainability reporting, equipping businesses to document their performance across a spectrum of economic, environmental, and social metrics.

These frameworks represent more than regulatory compliance; they are a blueprint for integrating sustainability into the core of business strategy, facilitated by NatCap’s innovative solutions.

NatCap’s Nature Intelligence Platform: A Suite of Solutions

NatCap’s platform leverages technology for environmental guidance, offering businesses:

  • External Disclosure: Streamlined processes for fulfilling reporting requirements under CSRD, TNFD, and GRI, with NatCap ensuring accuracy and consistency.

  • Stakeholder Reporting: Tailored reporting capabilities that address the needs of a diverse stakeholder base, enhancing transparency and engagement.

  • Enhanced Risk Management: Advanced environmental data analytics and predictive tools to identify, assess, and mitigate nature-related risks efficiently.

  • Target Setting: Scientifically-backed insights and benchmarks to aid businesses in setting and tracking sustainability targets, driving meaningful environmental impact.

  • Responsible Due Diligence: Comprehensive due diligence support, integrating environmental considerations into strategic business decisions, from M&A to investments.

Leveraging Scientific Expertise and Proprietary Data

At its core, NatCap is built on a foundation of scientific rigor and data insights. The company collaborates with environmental scientists, ecologists, and sustainability experts to ensure its platform is grounded in accuracy and relevance. NatCap’s proprietary data solutions offer a competitive advantage, delivering insights through satellite imagery, biodiversity assessments, and in-depth environmental impact data, enabling businesses to gain a comprehensive understanding of their environmental footprint.

Embedding Nature Intelligence into Business Workflows with NatCap

NatCap provides data and transforms business processes. The company’s tools and analytics are designed to integrate seamlessly into a range of business workflows, from strategic planning to product development. This integration fosters a holistic approach to sustainability, where environmental considerations are embedded in every decision-making process.

With the use of NatCap software, businesses can navigate the path to sustainability with confidence, backed by a platform that balances economic performance with environmental responsibility. Apart from being a service provider, NatCap is a partner in driving the global shift towards a sustainable, resilient, and eco-conscious business landscape.


Karol Kaczmarek
Written by:
Karol Kaczmarek
Co-founder of Net Zero Compare
Karol is a seasoned entrepreneur and co-founder of A&K Ventures OÜ. With a strong foundation in quantitative economics, he has a proven track record in strategic consulting, real estate, and global business expansion. Karol is dedicated to leveraging innovative technologies and creative business strategies to drive growth and transformation in every venture.