Net Zero Compare

Kayrros: Energy Market Intelligence: Kayrros Energy Market Intelligence: Satellite-based Real-Time Insights for Informed Decisions

Written by Christopher Ian Curran
Published July 15th, 2024
7 min read
Updated August 1st, 2024


Kayrros Energy Market Intelligence is a leading provider of environmental intelligence, using satellite-based technology to measure the footprint of human activity on the environment at a global level. They offer Macro Intelligence for asset managers, providing country-level indicators on oil, construction, power production, and transportation based on satellite data and public information. Kayrros helps governments, companies, and investment markets make better decisions by providing actionable information that enables informed decision-making, identifies emerging trends, and optimizes strategies in the fast-paced energy sector.
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We don’t push agendas. At Net Zero Compare, we cut through the hype and fear to deliver the straightforward facts you need for making informed decisions on green products and services. Whether motivated by compliance, customer demands, or a real passion for the environment, you’re welcome here. We provide reliable information—why you seek it is not our concern.


Kayrros: Energy Market Intelligence
Date of establishment

Deep dive

Unlocking the Future of Energy: Kayrros Energy Market Intelligence Explained

Products and Services

Kayrros offers a range of products and services that leverage advanced data analytics to provide actionable insights and intelligence in the energy sector:

CRUDE OIL INTELLIGENCE leverages satellite imagery data to provide a comprehensive coverage of worldwide crude oil inventories, both onshore and offshore. This data helps traders make informed decisions by providing them with granular, near-realtime measurements of crude oil inventories. Kayrros tracks 12,000+ crude oil storage tanks worldwide, with historical data from 2016. The data is accessible at any level of granularity (tank, facility, country, region) and can be filtered by type (strategic, commercial, refinery…). Kayrros uses drone imagery to measure Cushing inventories in floating and fixed roof tanks on Wednesdays and Fridays, and is the first provider of Cushing inventories on the market. Kayrros also tracks floating storage inventories and global crude oil on water to provide a comprehensive coverage on Crude Oil Inventories.

OPSTRACKER provides visibility into oilfield operations across the major US unconventional oil and gas basins with detailed data on each well and the timing of its life phases. This data can be used to compare observed data with operator figures to confirm reports, analyze efficiency metrics to forecast US production, benchmark companies, optimize capital allocation, and improve portfolio returns. Kayrros covers E&P activity in the main US oil and gas regions including the Anadarko, DJ-Niobrara, Eagle Ford, Permian, Williston, Appalachian, and Haynesville basins. Kayrros combines public permit and well metadata, satellite imagery, and geolocation data to detect drilling rig and frac crew activity. Kayrros provides historical well-level monthly production volumes.

ON-ROAD DEMAND aggregates anonymized geolocation signals to compute daily and weekly driving mileage, as well as normalized and calibrated fuel consumption estimates in the US and in the EU. This data can be used to identify trends and improve supply and demand balances to develop refined product trading strategies. Kayrros data on US On-Road Demand are available at multiple levels of granularity from state to PADD to country. Kayrros On-Road Demand data is updated every day, with a 3-day lag in the US and a 10-day lag in the EU, to give you access to the latest trends on product demand. Separate datasets are provided for petrol (non-commercial) and diesel (commercial) consumption in the US.

JET FUEL INTELLIGENCE provides traders, asset managers, and hedge funds with accurate near-realtime jet fuel consumption data at a granular level, including region, country, or airport. This data is derived from aircraft transponder data, which allows Kayrros to assess flight distance and time flown. By combining this information with aircraft performance data, Kayrros can accurately estimate fuel consumption. This data can be used to identify trends and improve supply and demand balances, ultimately leading to the development of refined product trading strategies. Jet Fuel data is updated daily, providing users with access to the latest trends in product demand

STOCKPILES MONITOR monitors any open-air dry bulk stockpiles with satellite images, at the desired frequency and level of accuracy. Kayrros Stockpiles Monitor offers three levels of accuracy: low resolution images for accurate change detection, high resolution images for precise tonnage measurement, stereo technology for extra-detailed 3D reconstruction. Kayrros Stockpiles Monitor results are available 3 days maximum after the acquisition of the satellite image, thanks to a fully automated and scalable process.

RENEWABLE ENERGY MONITOR provides transparency to the growing market of renewable energy by using satellite data and dynamic monitoring. This product provides more accurate, near real-time information on the construction progress of projects. You can enhance your risk models, perform portfolio due diligence, benchmark performance, and monitor the supply of renewable energy to the market. Gain complete visibility into your project’s development by utilizing a single view that enables you to easily identify any issues, ensuring transparency without the need for people on the ground. Stay ahead of the competition and ensure portfolio success by proactively monitoring project progress. Easily identify top-performing developers and gain valuable insights for informed investment decisions that maximize returns.

INDUSTRIAL ENERGY DEMAND provides critical information on energy-intensive industries worldwide, including clinker production for cement, pig-iron production for steel, and power production from coal-fired power plants. Kayrros offers three products to help you understand industrial activity data: Cement Watch, Steel Watch, and Power Watch. These products provide near-real-time data to fill gaps in global energy balances, understand live energy demand, and get macroeconomic data in advance of official information.

  • Cement Watch delivers near-real-time data on clinker production at the plant-level, covering the US, China, Europe, UK, and Russia, with more geographies to come.

  • Steel Watch provides near-real-time data on pig iron production from steel mills at the plant-level in the US, China, Europe, and the UK, with other areas to be added.

  • Power Watch offers near-real-time power generation from coal-fired power plants data at the plant level in China with 97% accuracy.

SOLAR MONITOR brings greater transparency to the renewable energy market by tracking solar project construction to measure progress, evaluate delays, and forecast completion dates. This near-real-time view of the market enables you to refine pricing models with accurate supply data, forecast the impact of new supply on gas-fired power demand, and set up your hedging positions months ahead of official filings and company guidance. You can receive weekly forecast updates for projects under construction in the US. You can also get near-real-time views of market capacity by development status and forecast capacity additions months ahead of filings and company guidance.

Market Position

The energy sector is crucial for global economic growth, encompassing traditional sources like oil and gas alongside renewable energy sources. It is characterized by complex market dynamics influenced by geopolitical factors, technological advancements, regulatory changes, and environmental concerns.

Kayrros occupies a unique position in the energy industry by specializing in advanced data analytics and technology-driven solutions. The company focuses on providing real-time insights and intelligence that enable stakeholders to make informed decisions across various segments such as energy market intelligence, asset monitoring, emissions tracking, and risk management.


Major competitors include traditional energy market research firms, data providers, and specialized analytics companies. What sets Kayrros apart is its innovative approach to leveraging diverse data sources (including satellite imagery and IoT data) for comprehensive analysis, its focus on real-time insights, and its ability to integrate environmental considerations into its solutions.

Kayrros plays a pivotal role in promoting sustainability within the energy sector through its emissions tracking solutions and support for carbon management initiatives. By providing transparent and accurate data on emissions and environmental impacts, Kayrros helps companies optimize their operations, comply with regulations, and contribute to global sustainability goals.

Sustainability and Impact

Kayrros contributes to sustainability efforts primarily through its emissions tracking and environmental monitoring solutions. By providing accurate and real-time data on greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental metrics, Kayrros helps energy companies and other stakeholders optimize their operations to reduce carbon footprints. This transparency enables better compliance with environmental regulations and supports initiatives aimed at achieving carbon neutrality and sustainable development goals.

Kayrros continues to prioritize sustainability in its business practices and solutions. Future goals may include expanding its emissions tracking capabilities, enhancing the accuracy and scope of environmental data analytics, and partnering with organizations to promote sustainable practices across the energy sector. By aligning with global sustainability frameworks and advancing technology-driven solutions, Kayrros aims to further support clients in achieving their sustainability objectives while reducing environmental impact.


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Christopher Ian Curran
Written by:
Christopher Ian Curran
Staff Writer
Christopher Ian Curran is a staff writer at Net Zero Compare.