Net Zero Compare

Kayrros SAS


Kayrros is a technology-driven company that specializes in leveraging advanced data analytics to provide actionable insights and intelligence in the energy sector. By analyzing vast amounts of data from diverse sources, Kayrros offers innovative solutions that help businesses and stakeholders make informed decisions, optimize operations, and navigate market dynamics effectively. Their expertise spans across energy market intelligence, asset monitoring, emissions tracking, and risk management, empowering clients to enhance efficiency, sustainability, and profitability in their operations. Kayrros has raised a total of $83.9M over 6 rounds from 14 investors. Investors include Index Ventures, European Investment Bank, and Bpifrance. In March 2022, Kayrros concluded a new €40 million financing round, including a €15 million loan from the European Investment Bank.
Our principle

Cut through the green tape

We don’t push agendas. At Net Zero Compare, we cut through the hype and fear to deliver the straightforward facts you need for making informed decisions on green products and services. Whether motivated by compliance, customer demands, or a real passion for the environment, you’re welcome here. We provide reliable information—why you seek it is not our concern.


Company name
Kayrros SAS
Paris, France
Date of establishment


Kayrros: Energy Market Intelligence

Kayrros Energy Market Intelligence: Satellite-based Real-Time Insights for Informed Decisions
Carbon Accounting
Kayrros Energy Market Intelligence is a leading provider of environmental intelligence, using satellite-based technology to measure the footprint of human activity on the environment at a global level. They offer Macro Intelligence for asset managers, providing country-level indicators on oil, construction, power production, and transportation based on satellite data and public information. Kayrros helps governments, companies, and investment markets make better decisions by providing actionable information that enables informed decision-making, identifies emerging trends, and optimizes strategies in the fast-paced energy sector.