Net Zero Compare

Qarnot: Transforming Heat into Sustainable Power

Written by Maya Belkovska
Published July 7th, 2024
18 min read
Updated July 17th, 2024


Qarnot Computing is specializing in sustainable computing solutions by repurposing waste heat from computer servers for heating. Their key products, the Q.rad radiator and QH-1 high-performance computing heater, provide eco-friendly heating while performing computational tasks, significantly reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. Qarnot's solutions are implemented in social housing, corporate offices, and educational institutions, with notable collaborations with BNP Paribas and Schneider Electric. Recognized with awards like the Green IT Award and B Corp Certification, Qarnot is committed to sustainability and innovation. The company actively engages in community projects, educational programs, and global sustainability initiatives, aiming to expand its distributed computing network and integrate renewable energy sources to further its impact on energy efficiency and carbon reduction.
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Products and Services

Core Products/Services

Qarnot Computing offers innovative products and services designed to harness the waste heat from high-performance computing for sustainable and eco-friendly applications. The company's core products and services include:

  • Q.rad: The Q.rad is a revolutionary radiator that integrates computer servers to provide heating while performing computational tasks. Each Q.rad unit distributes computing power across various locations, leveraging the heat generated by these servers to warm buildings. This approach not only provides a sustainable heating solution but also reduces the energy consumption typically required for both computing and heating separately, thereby contributing to significant carbon reduction.

  • QH-1: The QH-1 is the world’s first high-performance computing (HPC) heater. It delivers computational power for demanding tasks while simultaneously providing heat. The QH-1 is ideal for data centers, research facilities, and other environments where high-performance computing is necessary. By repurposing the waste heat from these processes, the QH-1 offers an energy-efficient and sustainable solution that minimizes carbon emissions.

  • Distributed Computing Services: Company offers distributed computing services that allow clients to run computational tasks on company’s network of Q.rad and QH-1 units. This service provides an eco-friendly alternative to traditional data centers by using the distributed network to perform computations and repurpose the heat for heating purposes. Clients benefit from reduced energy costs and a lower carbon footprint.

  • Sustainable Housing Projects: In collaboration with partners like Schneider Electric, company integrates its technology into sustainable housing projects across Europe. These projects use Qarnot’s heating solutions to provide environmentally friendly heating for residential buildings, demonstrating the practical application of company’s technology in real-world settings.

By combining high-performance computing with innovative heating solutions, Qarnot Computing’s products and services significantly contribute to carbon reduction and sustainability, offering a unique approach to addressing energy efficiency and environmental impact.

Innovation and Technology

Company stands out in the tech industry due to its innovative approach to merging high-performance computing with sustainable heating solutions. The company's groundbreaking technologies and methodologies include:

  • Distributed Computing Network: Company utilizes a distributed computing network where computational tasks are performed across a wide array of Q.rad and QH-1 units located in various buildings. This decentralized approach not only ensures efficient computing power distribution but also allows the waste heat generated by these servers to be repurposed for heating, turning an energy byproduct into a valuable resource.

  • Q.rad Radiators: The Q.rad is a cutting-edge innovation that transforms traditional radiators into powerful computing devices. Each Q.rad unit houses computer servers that execute complex computational tasks. The heat produced during these operations is harnessed to warm the surrounding environment. This dual functionality of computing and heating within a single unit exemplifies Qarnot’s commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability.

  • QH-1 HPC Heater: The QH-1 is the first of its kind, combining high-performance computing (HPC) with heating capabilities. Designed for environments requiring substantial computational power, such as data centers and research facilities, the QH-1 repurposes the heat generated during computing to provide efficient and sustainable heating solutions. This innovation reduces the overall energy consumption and carbon footprint associated with both computing and heating.

  • Energy Efficiency Algorithms: Company employs advanced algorithms to optimize the distribution of computational tasks across its network. These algorithms ensure that computing loads are balanced in a way that maximizes the efficiency of both the computation and the heating output. By intelligently managing the workload, Qarnot can minimize energy waste and enhance the overall performance of its distributed network.

  • Integration with Sustainable Housing: Qarnot’s technology is integrated into sustainable housing projects, demonstrating the practical application of their solutions in real-world scenarios. By working with partners like Schneider Electric, company installs its Q.rad and QH-1 units in residential buildings, providing a scalable and eco-friendly heating solution that leverages the waste heat from computing.

  • Carbon Footprint Reduction: The core of Qarnot’s innovation lies in its ability to turn an environmental challenge into a sustainable solution. By repurposing waste heat from computing for heating, company significantly reduces the carbon footprint associated with traditional data centers and heating systems. This approach not only saves energy but also promotes a circular economy where waste is minimized, and resources are efficiently utilized.

Company’s innovative technologies and approaches underscore its dedication to creating sustainable solutions that address both computing needs and environmental concerns, setting a new standard for energy efficiency in the tech industry.

Case Studies

1. Social Housing in Bordeaux, France

One of Qarnot’s most notable projects is its deployment of Q.rad units in social housing in Bordeaux. In this large-scale initiative, Q.rad radiators were installed in multiple apartments to provide both heating and computational power. The residents benefited from consistent and eco-friendly heating, while the computational tasks performed by the Q.rad units supported various scientific and research projects. This project not only demonstrated significant energy savings but also highlighted the social and environmental benefits of Qarnot’s technology.

2. IssyGrid® Smart Grid Project

Qarnot’s technology was integrated into the IssyGrid® smart grid project in Issy-les-Moulineaux, a suburb of Paris. This project aimed to create a local energy network that optimized energy production, consumption, and storage. Q.rad units were deployed to provide heating and computational power within the grid, contributing to a more efficient and sustainable energy ecosystem. The success of this project illustrated the potential for Qarnot’s solutions to be part of larger smart city initiatives.

3. Partnership with BNP Paribas

Qarnot Computing partnered with BNP Paribas to install Q.rad heaters in the bank’s offices. This collaboration allowed BNP Paribas to reduce its carbon footprint by utilizing the heat generated from computational tasks performed by the Q.rad units. The integration of Q.rad units into BNP Paribas’s infrastructure demonstrated how corporate environments could leverage companys technology for both sustainability and cost savings.

4. Sustainable Housing in Paris

In collaboration with Schneider Electric, they integrated its Q.rad and QH-1 units into a sustainable housing project in Paris. This project aimed to provide energy-efficient heating solutions for residential buildings while supporting high-performance computing needs. The Q.rad units installed in the apartments provided reliable heating and computational services, showcasing the scalability and practicality of Qarnot’s technology in urban residential settings.

5. Educational Institutions

Several universities and research institutions have adopted Qarnot’s technology to meet their computational needs while benefiting from sustainable heating. By installing Q.rad and QH-1 units, these institutions not only gain access to high-performance computing resources but also reduce their energy consumption and carbon emissions. This dual benefit has made Qarnot’s solutions attractive to academic environments focused on sustainability and efficiency.

These case studies exemplify how Qarnot Computing’s products and services have been successfully implemented across various sectors, demonstrating their versatility, effectiveness, and significant contribution to energy efficiency and carbon reduction.

Market Position

Industry Overview

The high-performance computing (HPC) and data center industry is rapidly evolving, driven by increasing demand for computational power to support advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data analytics, and scientific research. Traditional data centers, however, are known for their high energy consumption and significant carbon footprints, prompting a growing focus on sustainability and energy efficiency within the industry.

Key Trends

  1. Sustainability Initiatives: There is a strong push towards green computing, with companies and data centers adopting renewable energy sources, energy-efficient technologies, and innovative cooling solutions to reduce their environmental impact.

  2. Edge Computing: The rise of edge computing, where data processing occurs closer to the data source, is reshaping the industry by reducing latency and bandwidth usage while also offering new opportunities for energy savings.

  3. Hybrid Cloud Solutions: Organizations are increasingly adopting hybrid cloud models, combining on-premises infrastructure with public and private clouds, necessitating more flexible and efficient computing solutions.

Qarnot Computing's Position

Qarnot Computing stands out in this landscape by addressing the dual challenge of high energy consumption and waste heat management in data centers. The company has carved a niche for itself through its unique approach of repurposing waste heat from computational tasks for sustainable heating solutions. By integrating high-performance computing with eco-friendly heating, Qarnot offers an innovative alternative to traditional data centers, aligning with the industry's shift towards sustainability.

Qarnot’s products, such as the Q.rad and QH-1, exemplify this innovation by providing distributed computing power while utilizing the generated heat for practical heating applications. This approach not only reduces the energy footprint of data processing but also provides a tangible environmental benefit by repurposing waste heat.

In the broader industry, company's solutions are particularly relevant for sectors with significant computational needs and a focus on sustainability, such as academic institutions, corporate environments, smart cities, and residential buildings. By offering an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional data centers, Qarnot is positioned as a pioneering leader in the green computing movement, contributing to the industry's overall push towards energy efficiency and reduced carbon emissions.


In the high-performance computing (HPC) and sustainable data center industry, several companies are making significant strides toward energy efficiency and carbon reduction. Major competitors of Qarnot Computing include:

  1. Google Cloud has invested heavily in renewable energy to power its data centers and implements advanced cooling technologies to enhance energy efficiency. However, unlike Qarnot, Google does not integrate computing power directly into heating solutions for buildings.

  2. Microsoft Azure focuses on sustainability through its commitment to becoming carbon negative by 2030. Azure data centers use renewable energy and innovative cooling techniques. Qarnot sets itself apart by directly repurposing waste heat for heating, offering a tangible benefit beyond traditional energy savings.

  3. Amazon Web Services (AWS) aims for 100% renewable energy usage and has implemented various efficiency improvements in its data centers. Qarnot's unique value proposition lies in its distributed computing network that provides both computational power and heating, something AWS does not offer.

  4. Equinix focuses on green data centers and energy-efficient infrastructure. While Equinix emphasizes renewable energy and efficient design, Qarnot differentiates itself by turning waste heat into a resource, directly benefiting building heating needs.

  5. Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) emphasizes sustainability through energy-efficient server technologies and renewable energy usage. Qarnot’s distinct advantage is its dual-purpose technology that combines HPC with heating solutions, directly addressing energy waste in a practical manner.

  6. Schneider Electric offers energy management and automation solutions for data centers. While Schneider Electric focuses on optimizing energy use, Qarnot’s approach of using waste heat for heating provides an additional layer of sustainability by converting a byproduct into a valuable resource.

What Sets Qarnot Computing Apart

Dual-Purpose Technology: Qarnot's core innovation is the integration of high-performance computing with heating solutions, using the waste heat generated from computational tasks to warm buildings. This unique approach addresses both computational and heating needs simultaneously, setting Qarnot apart from competitors who primarily focus on data center efficiency.

Distributed Computing Network: Company employs a decentralized network of Q.rad and QH-1 units distributed across various locations. This model not only enhances energy efficiency but also provides localized heating solutions, reducing the overall carbon footprint of traditional centralized data centers.

Practical Environmental Impact: By turning waste heat into a usable resource for heating, Qarnot offers a tangible environmental benefit. This practical application of sustainable technology provides immediate and measurable energy savings and carbon reduction, differentiating them from competitors focused solely on renewable energy and efficiency improvements.

Integration with Sustainable Housing: Organization’s collaboration with partners like Schneider Electric to integrate its technology into sustainable housing projects demonstrates its practical application in real-world settings. This integration showcases Qarnot's commitment to sustainability beyond the data center industry.


Market Adoption: Convincing potential customers to adopt a novel technology that combines high-performance computing with heating solutions can be difficult. There may be resistance due to the perceived risk of integrating new systems into existing infrastructure. To overcome this challenge, they can implement education and awareness campaigns showcasing successful case studies and the tangible benefits of its technology. Demonstrating cost savings and environmental impact can persuade more organizations to adopt Qarnot’s solutions.

Competition from Established Players: Competing against large, established players like Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and AWS, which have significant resources and market presence, can be daunting. However, they can differentiate itself by emphasizing its unique value proposition of combining computing and heating, offering a distinct advantage that competitors do not provide. Forming partnerships and collaborations with industry leaders can also help Qarnot gain market traction and compete more effectively.

Scalability: Scaling the distributed computing network to meet growing demand while maintaining efficiency and reliability can be challenging. Ensuring that each Q.rad and QH-1 unit performs optimally in diverse environments requires robust management systems. Investing in advanced algorithms and management software to optimize the performance and integration of distributed units can enhance scalability. Leveraging partnerships with energy and tech companies can also aid in scaling operations.

Regulatory Hurdles: Navigating different regulatory environments, particularly in terms of energy use and data privacy, can be complex. Compliance with varying standards across regions requires significant effort and resources. Proactively engaging with regulatory bodies and participating in industry forums can help shape favorable policies. Highlighting the environmental benefits of Qarnot’s solutions can also garner regulatory support, making it easier to navigate these hurdles.

Technological Advancements: Keeping pace with rapid technological advancements in both computing and energy sectors is crucial. Falling behind in innovation could make company's solutions less competitive. Continuous investment in R&D to stay at the forefront of technological innovations in both computing power and energy efficiency can maintain Qarnot's competitive edge. Collaborating with research institutions and technology partners can foster innovation and ensure theyremains a leader in its field.


Growing Demand for Sustainable Solutions: With increasing global emphasis on sustainability and carbon reduction, there is a significant market opportunity for eco-friendly computing solutions. Qarnot’s technology aligns perfectly with this trend, offering substantial growth potential. Expanding into new markets and industries that prioritize sustainability, such as smart cities, green buildings, and eco-friendly corporate environments, can drive growth and establish company as a key player in the sustainable technology sector.

Partnerships and Collaborations: Forming strategic partnerships with major tech companies, energy providers, and real estate developers can enhance Qarnot’s market reach and impact. These collaborations can facilitate the integration of company’s technology into larger projects and initiatives, broadening its application and demonstrating its effectiveness. Leveraging government and EU funding programs focused on green technology can provide financial support and validation for Qarnot’s solutions, further boosting its growth prospects.

Technological Innovation: Continued innovation in distributed computing and energy-efficient technologies can lead to the development of new products and services. Enhancing the performance and versatility of Q.rad and QH-1 units can open up new application areas, making Qarnot’s technology even more valuable. Exploring advancements in AI and machine learning to optimize the performance and energy efficiency of distributed computing networks can further differentiate company’s offerings and position it as a leader in technological innovation.

Global Expansion: Expanding operations beyond Europe into North America, Asia, and other regions with high demand for sustainable technology can significantly increase Qarnot’s market share. Adapting solutions to meet local needs and regulations can facilitate global growth. Establishing local partnerships and collaborations in new markets can aid in navigating regional challenges and leveraging local expertise, ensuring a smooth and successful expansion.

Educational and Research Partnerships: Collaborating with universities and research institutions can provide valuable insights and validation for company’s technology. These partnerships can drive innovation and create opportunities for developing new applications for organization’s solutions. Engaging with the academic community can also enhance Qarnot’s reputation and visibility, attracting more customers and partners interested in sustainable and cutting-edge technology.

Sustainability and Impact

Environmental Impact

At Qarnot Computing, we are redefining high-performance computing (HPC) with our groundbreaking approach that not only meets computing needs but also addresses environmental challenges. Our unique technology repurposes the waste heat generated from our computing units, transforming what would be an energy liability into a valuable heating solution for buildings. This dual-purpose strategy exemplifies our commitment to sustainability and innovation.

Dual-Use of Energy: Our Q.rad and QH-1 computing units are designed to harness the waste heat they generate during operation. By integrating these units into residential and commercial buildings, we effectively eliminate the need for traditional heating systems that rely on fossil fuels. This not only provides essential computational power but also delivers eco-friendly heating, significantly reducing carbon emissions.

Reducing Energy Consumption: The decentralized nature of our computing network means that we can minimize the energy losses typically associated with centralized data centers. By distributing computing power where it's needed and utilizing the heat produced, we maximize energy efficiency across the board. This setup leads to substantial energy savings, lowers carbon footprints, and enhances the overall sustainability of computing operations.

Sustainability and Efficiency: Our innovative approach transforms everyday energy use by combining digital and thermal efficiency. The result is a significantly reduced environmental impact compared to traditional computing and heating methods. By leveraging our technology, buildings become part of the solution, actively contributing to energy conservation and reducing dependence on non-renewable energy sources.

Certifications and Awards

Qarnot Computing has received several certifications, awards, and recognitions that validate its efforts and achievements in sustainability and innovation:

  • Green IT Award (2016): Company was awarded the Green IT Award for its innovative approach to reducing carbon footprints through the integration of computing and heating solutions.

  • Cleantech Open France Winner (2017): Qarnot won the national competition for cleantech startups, recognizing its contributions to clean technology and sustainable development.

  • Digital Infrastructure Sustainability Award (2021): Organization was recognized for its outstanding contributions to sustainability in the digital infrastructure sector, highlighting its innovative use of waste heat from computing.

  • EcoVadis Gold Rating: Qarnot Computing received the EcoVadis Gold Rating for its corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices, placing it among the top companies globally in terms of sustainability performance.

Future Goals

Qarnot Computing has set ambitious future goals to further enhance its sustainability efforts and expand its impact on reducing carbon emissions and promoting energy efficiency. These goals include:

Expansion of Distributed Computing Network: Company aims to significantly expand its distributed computing network by installing more Q.rad and QH-1 units in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. This expansion will increase the availability of eco-friendly heating solutions and computational power, further reducing reliance on traditional energy sources.

Integration with Renewable Energy: Qarnot plans to integrate its technology with renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to enhance the sustainability of its operations. By coupling renewable energy with its distributed computing network, Qarnot can achieve greater energy efficiency and further reduce its carbon footprint.

Development of New Products: The company is committed to continuous innovation and plans to develop new products that combine high-performance computing with sustainable heating and cooling solutions. These new offerings will address diverse market needs and contribute to broader sustainability goals.

Global Expansion: Qarnot aims to expand its presence beyond Europe into North America, Asia, and other regions with high demand for sustainable technology. This global expansion will involve adapting its solutions to meet local needs and regulations, and establishing partnerships with regional stakeholders.

Partnerships and Collaborations: Company seeks to strengthen and expand its partnerships with major tech companies, energy providers, and real estate developers. Collaborations with these partners will facilitate the integration of Qarnot’s technology into larger projects and initiatives, amplifying its impact on sustainability.

Educational and Research Initiatives: The company plans to enhance its collaboration with universities and research institutions to drive innovation and develop new applications for its technology. These partnerships will also support the education of future generations on the importance of sustainable computing solutions.

Carbon Neutrality: Organization has set a goal to achieve carbon neutrality across its operations. This includes optimizing its energy use, reducing waste, and offsetting remaining emissions through various initiatives and partnerships.

Public Awareness and Advocacy: The company aims to increase public awareness of the benefits of its technology and advocate for policies that support sustainable computing and energy efficiency. By engaging with policymakers and the public, Qarnot hopes to drive broader adoption of eco-friendly solutions.

Maya Belkovska
Written by:
Maya Belkovska
Sustainability Research Analyst at Net Zero Compare
Maya is a Sustainability Research Analyst at Net Zero Compare. She specializes in environmental science and practical compliance with sustainability regulations. Maya provides in-depth analysis and insights to help businesses meet regulatory requirements effectively. Her expertise supports Net Zero Compare’s mission to offer practical solutions in the sustainability sector.