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Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)

A Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) is a type of nuclear reactor that uses water as both a coolant and a neutron moderator. In a PWR, the reactor core generates heat, and this heat is transferred to the water under high pressure, preventing it from boiling. The pressurized water, which reaches temperatures around 300°C, is then circulated through a series of tubes in the steam generator.

Inside the steam generator, the heat from the pressurized water is transferred to a secondary water loop, causing this water to boil and produce steam. This steam drives the turbines that generate electricity. The primary circuit, which contains the radioactive reactor core, remains separate from the secondary circuit, which drives the turbines, ensuring safety and reducing the risk of contamination.

PWRs are one of the most common types of nuclear reactors worldwide due to their reliable and efficient design. They are widely used for electricity generation, and their safety features, such as the separation of water circuits and robust containment structures, make them a preferred choice for many energy producers.