Net Zero Compare

Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs)

Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) are innovative solutions designed to actively remove carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, helping to reverse the effects of climate change. These technologies go beyond merely reducing emissions—they work to pull excess CO2 out of the air, effectively providing a net-negative impact on atmospheric greenhouse gas levels. By leveraging processes like carbon capture and storage, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), direct air capture, and soil carbon sequestration, NETs offer a pivotal avenue for achieving global climate goals.

NETs are essential components in the fight against climate change, especially given that current emission reduction efforts alone may not suffice to keep global temperature rise within safe limits. These technologies not only mitigate the adverse impacts of existing CO2 levels but also provide a buffer against future emissions, ensuring a more sustainable and resilient planetary ecosystem. Moreover, NETs can be integrated with other sustainability practices to enhance their effectiveness and scalability.

Adopting and scaling NETs require substantial investment, research, and supportive policy frameworks. While the potential of these technologies is immense, widespread implementation will involve overcoming significant technical, economic, and social challenges. Nonetheless, with concerted effort and collaboration among nations, industry leaders, and scientific communities, NETs can play an indispensable role in our collective journey toward a carbon-neutral future.