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Climate Smart Agriculture

Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) is an integrated approach to managing landscapes—cropland, livestock, forests, and fisheries—that aims to achieve three overarching goals: sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and incomes; adapting and building resilience to climate change; and reducing and/or removing greenhouse gas emissions, where possible. This holistic methodology addresses the complex interconnections between climate change, agriculture, and food security, ensuring that farming systems are environmentally sustainable and economically viable.

At its core, CSA involves implementing practices, technologies, and strategies that are sensitive to the realities of climate variability and change. These may include adopting drought-resilient crop varieties, practicing agroforestry, utilizing efficient irrigation techniques, and improving soil health through conservation tillage or organic amendments. By emphasizing both mitigation and adaptation, CSA seeks to protect and enhance the livelihoods of farmers while safeguarding the natural resources and ecosystems upon which agriculture depends.

Moreover, Climate Smart Agriculture fosters collaboration among stakeholders, including farmers, governments, researchers, and businesses, to drive policy reforms, facilitate access to climate finance, and promote innovative solutions. This integrated and inclusive approach aims to build more resilient agricultural systems that can withstand the impacts of climate change while contributing to global food security and environmental sustainability.