Net Zero Compare

Enablon: Provider of Integrated EHS and Sustainability Solutions

Written by Karol Kaczmarek
Published May 16th, 2024
13 min read
Updated June 15th, 2024


Enablon, a leading provider of EHS and sustainability software solutions, leverages advanced technologies to help organizations achieve regulatory compliance, reduce carbon emissions, and drive sustainable growth. This article explores Enablon's comprehensive solutions, market position, and impact on the global push for sustainability.
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Deep dive

Enablon, headquartered in Paris, France, and founded in 2000, is a leading global provider of integrated risk management, Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS), and sustainability software solutions. The company serves organizations worldwide, helping them navigate complex regulatory landscapes and achieve environmental and sustainability goals.

Enablon aims to enable sustainable performance by providing innovative and comprehensive software solutions that empower organizations to manage risk, ensure compliance, and drive sustainable growth. Their core purpose is to help businesses create a safer, healthier, and more sustainable world through effective risk management and sustainability practices.

Did you know that Enablon’s solutions have helped over 1,000 companies across more than 160 countries reduce their carbon emissions by an average of 20%? This impressive statistic highlights the significant impact Enablon has had in advancing the global effort toward carbon neutrality and underscores the importance of their work in the fight against climate change.

Company Background

Enablon was founded in 2000 in Paris, France, with a vision to create software solutions that help companies manage their environmental, health, and safety (EHS) obligations. Over the years, Enablon has grown significantly, expanding its product offerings to include risk management and sustainability solutions. Key milestones include:

  • 2000: Enablon was founded.

  • 2007: Enablon launched its first integrated platform for EHS and sustainability management.

  • 2011: The company expanded its presence globally, opening offices in North America.

  • 2016: Enablon was acquired by Wolters Kluwer, a global information services company, enhancing its capabilities and market reach.

  • 2020: Enablon launched its next-generation platform, leveraging advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance risk management and compliance capabilities.

Founders and Key Figures: Enablon was co-founded by Phil Tesler and Dan Vogel. Key executives include:

  • Phil Tesler (Co-Founder): With a background in software engineering and business development, Phil has been instrumental in driving Enablon's vision and growth.

  • Dan Vogel (Co-Founder): Dan's expertise in environmental science and technology has shaped Enablon's product development and strategic direction.

  • Chris Joseph (CEO): Chris brings extensive experience in enterprise software and strategic management, leading the company towards continued innovation and expansion.

  • Marie-Pierre Vanhoegaerden (CFO): Marie-Pierre oversees the financial operations, ensuring sustainable growth and profitability.

Funding and Investors: Enablon's growth has been supported by several funding rounds and strategic investments. Key investors include Wolters Kluwer, which acquired Enablon in 2016, providing significant resources and support for further development and market expansion. Since the acquisition, Enablon has benefited from Wolters Kluwer's extensive network and expertise in information services, enabling it to enhance its product offerings and reach a broader customer base.

Products and Services

Core Products/Services:

  1. EHS Management Software: Enablon's EHS Management Software helps organizations manage their environmental, health, and safety processes effectively. The platform enables comprehensive tracking, reporting, and compliance management, ensuring companies meet regulatory requirements and reduce environmental impact.

  2. Sustainability Management: Enablon's Sustainability Management solutions support companies in tracking and improving their sustainability performance. The tools facilitate the measurement and reporting of key sustainability metrics, such as carbon emissions, water usage, and waste management, helping organizations achieve their sustainability goals.

  3. Carbon Management: Enablon's Carbon Management tools allow organizations to monitor, report, and reduce their carbon footprint. The platform provides detailed insights into carbon emissions across the supply chain, enabling companies to identify reduction opportunities and implement effective carbon management strategies.

  4. Risk Management: Enablon's Risk Management solutions help organizations identify, assess, and mitigate risks related to EHS and sustainability. The platform provides a comprehensive view of potential risks, enabling proactive management and reducing the likelihood of incidents and non-compliance.

  5. Regulatory Compliance: Enablon's Regulatory Compliance tools ensure organizations stay up-to-date with evolving environmental regulations. The platform provides automated compliance tracking and reporting, reducing the burden of manual processes and ensuring continuous compliance with local and global standards.

Innovation and Technology:

  1. Advanced Analytics and Reporting: Enablon's platforms leverage advanced analytics to provide actionable insights into EHS and sustainability performance. The reporting tools offer real-time data visualization, trend analysis, and benchmarking, enabling organizations to make informed decisions and track progress towards their goals.

  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): Enablon incorporates AI and ML technologies to enhance its risk management and compliance solutions. These technologies enable predictive analytics, automating the identification of potential risks and compliance issues, and suggesting proactive measures to mitigate them.

  3. Integrated Platform: Enablon's integrated platform provides a unified solution for EHS, risk, and sustainability management. The platform's modular design allows organizations to tailor it to their specific needs, ensuring seamless integration with existing systems and processes.

  4. Mobile and Cloud Solutions: Enablon's mobile and cloud-based solutions ensure accessibility and flexibility for users. These technologies enable real-time data entry, remote monitoring, and on-the-go access to critical information, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of EHS and sustainability management.

Case Studies

Case Study 1: Global Manufacturing Company

A leading global manufacturing company sought to improve its environmental performance and ensure compliance with evolving regulations across its multiple sites worldwide.

The company implemented Enablon's EHS and Sustainability Management solutions to streamline its environmental data collection, reporting, and compliance processes.


  • Improved Compliance: The company achieved a 98% compliance rate with environmental regulations, reducing the risk of fines and legal issues.

  • Carbon Footprint Reduction: By using Enablon's Carbon Management tools, the company identified and implemented energy efficiency measures, resulting in a 15% reduction in carbon emissions within the first year.

  • Enhanced Reporting: Advanced analytics and real-time reporting provided by Enablon enabled the company to track its sustainability performance more effectively and communicate progress to stakeholders.

Case Study 2: International Energy Corporation

An international energy corporation needed a robust system to manage its environmental risks and enhance its sustainability initiatives across diverse operations.

The corporation adopted Enablon's integrated platform, including Risk Management and Sustainability Management solutions, to address its complex environmental challenges.


  • Risk Mitigation: Enablon's predictive analytics and AI capabilities helped the corporation proactively identify and mitigate environmental risks, reducing incidents by 25%.

  • Sustainability Goals: The corporation successfully tracked and achieved its sustainability targets, including a 10% reduction in water usage and a 20% decrease in waste generation.

  • Stakeholder Confidence: The comprehensive and transparent reporting provided by Enablon strengthened stakeholder confidence and improved the company's reputation for sustainability.

Case Study 3: Large Retail Chain

A large retail chain aimed to enhance its sustainability performance and ensure compliance with stringent environmental regulations across its stores and distribution centers.

The retail chain deployed Enablon's Regulatory Compliance and Carbon Management solutions to monitor and manage its environmental impact.


  • Regulatory Compliance: The chain maintained continuous compliance with local and international environmental regulations, avoiding potential fines and penalties.

  • Carbon Emission Reduction: By utilizing Enablon's Carbon Management tools, the retail chain achieved a 12% reduction in carbon emissions, aligning with its corporate sustainability goals.

  • Operational Efficiency: The centralized platform streamlined environmental data management, reducing administrative burdens and enabling more efficient operations.

Market Position

The Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) and sustainability software industry is rapidly growing as organizations across various sectors increasingly prioritize environmental compliance, risk management, and sustainability. This industry is characterized by the development and deployment of software solutions that help companies manage regulatory compliance, track environmental performance, reduce carbon emissions, and improve overall sustainability. Within this landscape, Enablon is recognized as a leading provider of comprehensive and integrated EHS and sustainability software solutions.

Competitors: Enablon faces competition from several major players in the EHS and sustainability software market. Key competitors include:

  • SAP Environment, Health, and Safety Management: Known for its robust integration with other SAP solutions, SAP EHS offers comprehensive compliance and risk management tools.

  • Intelex: Provides user-friendly software solutions focused on EHS and quality management, emphasizing customization and scalability.

  • Sphera: Specializes in risk management, operational excellence, and sustainability solutions, offering deep expertise in chemical management and product stewardship.

Differentiators: What sets Enablon apart from its competitors is its:

  • Integrated Platform: Enablon offers a unified solution that combines EHS, risk management, and sustainability into one platform, allowing for seamless integration and comprehensive management.

  • Innovative Technology: Enablon's use of advanced technologies such as AI, ML, and predictive analytics enhances its ability to provide proactive risk management and actionable insights.

  • Global Reach: With a presence in over 160 countries, Enablon has a significant global footprint, enabling it to support organizations worldwide with diverse regulatory requirements.

  • Strong Backing: As a part of Wolters Kluwer, Enablon benefits from substantial resources, industry expertise, and a wide network, enhancing its capabilities and market position.


  • Regulatory Complexity: The constantly evolving regulatory landscape poses a challenge for Enablon to continuously update and adapt its solutions to meet new compliance requirements.

  • Market Competition: Intense competition from well-established and emerging players requires Enablon to continuously innovate and differentiate its offerings.

  • Data Security: Ensuring the security and privacy of sensitive environmental and safety data is critical and poses a significant challenge.


  • Sustainability Trends: The growing global emphasis on sustainability and carbon reduction presents significant opportunities for Enablon to expand its customer base and enhance its solutions.

  • Technological Advancements: Continued advancements in AI, ML, and data analytics offer Enablon the chance to further enhance its product capabilities and provide more value to clients.

  • Market Expansion: Expanding into emerging markets with increasing regulatory requirements and sustainability goals can provide substantial growth opportunities.

  • Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborating with industry leaders, academic institutions, and global sustainability initiatives can enhance Enablon's market presence and drive innovation.

Sustainability and Impact

Enablon's solutions have enabled over 1,000 companies to reduce their carbon emissions significantly, with an average reduction of 20%. Their tools facilitate detailed tracking and management of carbon footprints, helping organizations implement effective carbon reduction strategies. By providing comprehensive sustainability management tools, Enablon helps companies improve their overall environmental performance. This includes reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste, and optimizing resource use.

Certifications and Awards:

  • ISO 14001 Certification: Enablon is ISO 14001 certified, demonstrating its commitment to effective environmental management systems.

  • Green Quadrant EHS Software Leader: Recognized as a leader in Verdantix's Green Quadrant for EHS software, highlighting their innovation and impact in the industry.

  • Environmental Leader Product & Project Awards: Enablon has received multiple awards for its software solutions, recognizing its excellence in environmental and sustainability management.

Future Goals:

  • Advancing AI and ML Integration: Enablon aims to further integrate AI and ML technologies into their platform to enhance predictive analytics and proactive risk management capabilities.

  • Expanding Global Reach: The company plans to expand its market presence globally, making its solutions accessible to more organizations worldwide.

  • Net-Zero Goals: Enablon is committed to achieving net-zero emissions within its operations and helping its clients reach similar targets through continuous innovation and support.

Community and Social Responsibility

Enablon actively participates in global sustainability initiatives, collaborating with organizations like the UN Global Compact to promote sustainable business practices. The company engages in local environmental projects, supporting community efforts to improve sustainability and environmental health.

The company collaborates with universities and research institutions to advance the study of sustainability and environmental management. They offer internships and support academic research projects. The company conducts workshops and training sessions for clients and the public to educate them on best practices in EHS and sustainability management.

Enablon encourages employees to participate in sustainability initiatives, offering programs like volunteer days, sustainability education, and eco-friendly workplace practices. The company provides benefits that promote a sustainable lifestyle, such as public transportation subsidies and incentives for reducing carbon footprints.

Customer and Public Perception

Customer Reviews and Feedback: Customers consistently praise Enablon's software for its ease of use, comprehensive features, and positive impact on their sustainability efforts. Testimonials often highlight the significant improvements in compliance and environmental performance. Surveys indicate high customer satisfaction rates, with clients appreciating the support and expertise provided by Enablon's team.

Media Coverage: The organization has been featured in leading industry publications such as Environmental Leader, EHS Today, and GreenBiz, recognizing their contributions to environmental management and sustainability. The company has received endorsements from environmental organizations and industry experts, further validating their impact and effectiveness.

Public Relations: Enablon employs strategic PR campaigns to highlight its achievements, sustainability efforts, and innovative solutions. This includes press releases, thought leadership articles, and participation in industry conferences. The company maintains an active social media presence, engaging with its audience and sharing insights on sustainability trends, regulatory updates, and success stories from its clients.


Enablon stands out as a leading provider of integrated risk management, EHS, and sustainability software solutions, with a strong track record of helping organizations across the globe achieve their environmental and sustainability goals. Founded in 2000 and headquartered in Paris, France, Enablon has grown significantly, driven by a mission to enable sustainable performance and innovation.

Key Points

Leading Provider

Enablon is a leading provider of integrated risk management, Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS), and sustainability software solutions.

Track Record

The company has a strong track record of helping organizations across the globe achieve their environmental and sustainability goals.


Enablon was founded in 2000.


The company is headquartered in Paris, France.

Significant Growth

Enablon has grown significantly since its founding, driven by a mission to enable sustainable performance and innovation.

Comprehensive Solutions

Enablon offers a range of solutions, including EHS Management, Sustainability Management, Carbon Management, Risk Management, and Regulatory Compliance, all designed to help companies reduce their environmental impact and ensure compliance with evolving regulations.

Innovative Technology

The company leverages advanced technologies such as AI, ML, and predictive analytics to enhance its ability to provide proactive risk management and actionable insights.

Proven Impact

Enablon's tools have facilitated significant carbon emissions reductions and sustainability improvements for over 1,000 companies worldwide, with measurable results such as a 20% average reduction in carbon emissions.

Recognized Excellence

Enablon's commitment to excellence is validated by numerous certifications, awards, and industry recognitions, including ISO 14001 certification and leadership in Verdantix's Green Quadrant for EHS software.

Future Commitment

Enablon remains dedicated to advancing sustainability through continued innovation, expanding global reach, and striving for net-zero emissions within their operations.

Community and Social Responsibility

Enablon actively engages with local communities and global sustainability initiatives, promotes educational programs, and supports employee-driven sustainability efforts.

Positive Perception

The company enjoys high customer satisfaction, positive media coverage, and strong public endorsements, further solidifying its reputation as a trusted leader in the carbon zero emission industry.

Karol Kaczmarek
Written by:
Karol Kaczmarek
Co-founder of Net Zero Compare
Karol is a seasoned entrepreneur and co-founder of A&K Ventures OÜ. With a strong foundation in quantitative economics, he has a proven track record in strategic consulting, real estate, and global business expansion. Karol is dedicated to leveraging innovative technologies and creative business strategies to drive growth and transformation in every venture.