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Nuclear Waste Management

Nuclear Waste Management refers to the systematic process of handling, treating, and disposing of radioactive waste materials generated from nuclear reactors, medical treatments, research activities, and other applications of nuclear technology. This multifaceted process aims to minimize the health and environmental risks associated with radioactive waste, which can remain hazardous for thousands of years.

Key activities in nuclear waste management include waste characterization, treatment, conditioning, storage, and final disposal. Waste characterization involves identifying and categorizing the waste based on its radioactivity levels and physical and chemical properties. Treatment and conditioning processes are designed to reduce the volume, toxicity, and mobility of the waste, making it safer and more stable for long-term storage.

Storage solutions may involve temporary facilities where waste is kept securely and monitored until a permanent disposal solution is available. Final disposal typically involves deep geological repositories engineered to isolate the waste from the biosphere. Effective nuclear waste management is crucial to ensuring public health, environmental protection, and the sustainable use of nuclear technology for future generations.