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Climate Sensitivity

Climate Sensitivity is a measure of how responsive the Earth's climate system is to a change in the concentration of greenhouse gases. It is commonly quantified as the amount of global temperature increase associated with doubling the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO₂) in the atmosphere. Typically, climate sensitivity is expressed in degrees Celsius (°C) and provides a vital indicator for predicting future climate changes and their potential impacts on ecosystems, sea levels, and weather patterns.

Understanding climate sensitivity is crucial for developing effective climate policies and mitigation strategies. Higher climate sensitivity would mean more pronounced warming for any given increase in greenhouse gas concentrations, necessitating stricter emission reductions to curb temperature rise. Conversely, lower climate sensitivity could imply a more gradual warming trend, but still necessitates significant efforts to manage climate risks.

Research on climate sensitivity involves a combination of observational data, paleoclimate reconstructions, and climate modeling. While there is still some uncertainty due to the complex nature of climate feedback mechanisms, estimates of climate sensitivity generally range from 1.5°C to 4.5°C. Accurately pinpointing this value is essential for projecting future climate scenarios and making informed decisions to protect the planet.