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Climate Equity

Climate Equity refers to the fair and just distribution of the benefits and burdens associated with climate change and its mitigation strategies. This concept addresses the disproportionate impact of climate change on marginalized communities, ensuring that policies and actions reinforce social justice, reduce inequalities, and provide equitable opportunities for all to thrive in a changing climate.

At its core, Climate Equity acknowledges that historically underserved populations, including low-income communities, indigenous peoples, and communities of color, often bear the brunt of environmental harms while contributing the least to the causes of climate change. By prioritizing their needs and incorporating their voices in decision-making processes, Climate Equity aims to create inclusive and resilient societal frameworks.

Ultimately, embracing Climate Equity means fostering policies that not only mitigate climate change but actively work to dismantle existing inequities. This approach leads to a more sustainable and just future, ensuring that every community can effectively adapt and prosper in the face of environmental challenges.