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Carbon Sink

A Carbon Sink is a natural or artificial reservoir that absorbs and stores more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than it releases. By capturing carbon dioxide (CO₂), these sinks play a vital role in mitigating the effects of climate change and reducing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. Natural examples of carbon sinks include forests, oceans, and soil, each of which sequester carbon through various biological, chemical, and physical processes.

Forests act as significant carbon sinks by absorbing CO₂ during photosynthesis and storing the carbon in biomass such as trees and plants. Oceans, on the other hand, absorb carbon through physical processes such as gas exchange at the water’s surface and through biological processes such as phytoplankton photosynthesis. Soil also sequesters carbon when plants and microorganisms break down organic matter, incorporating carbon into the soil structure.

Artificial carbon sinks, such as carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies, are being developed to enhance our ability to tackle rising CO₂ levels. By capturing emissions at their source and storing them underground or utilizing them for industrial purposes, these technologies aim to mimic the natural carbon sequestration processes on a larger scale. Collectively, carbon sinks are indispensable tools in our efforts to combat global warming and promote a more sustainable future.