Net Zero Compare

Again: Carbon Reduction and Utilization

Written by Karol Kaczmarek
Published May 24th, 2024
10 min read
Updated July 14th, 2024


Again, a Denmark-based company, pioneers carbon neutrality with innovative CO2 conversion technology. Their process converts up to 1 ton of CO2 per day into useful chemicals like acetate and acetic acid, preventing up to three tons of emissions per ton of product. With $10 million in seed funding, Again aims to scale operations and further reduce global carbon emissions. Their mission to transform CO2 into valuable resources places them at the forefront of sustainable industrial solutions.
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Date of establishment

Deep dive

Again is a Denmark-based company that specializes in helping businesses achieve carbon neutrality by transforming CO2 emissions into valuable products. Their innovative approach utilizes gas-eating bacteria to convert CO2 into sustainable chemicals like acetate and acetic acid. This biomanufacturing process captures CO2 at the source and repurposes it, reducing overall emissions and creating useful industrial chemicals.

The company's mission is to drive global sustainability by converting carbon emissions into valuable resources. Their goal is to create a world where emissions are not just reduced but transformed into products that benefit both the environment and the economy.

Did you know that Again's process can convert up to 1 ton of CO2 per day, preventing up to three tons of emissions per ton of product? This innovative technology not only helps mitigate climate change but also provides an economical solution for producing essential chemicals.

Source: arcticstartup

By leveraging advanced biotechnology, Again aims to become a leader in creating carbon-negative chemicals, contributing significantly to global efforts to combat climate change.

Company Background

Again was founded in 2021 as a spin-off from the Danish Technical University. The company was established to commercialize over a decade of research into biomanufacturing processes that convert carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into valuable chemicals. Their first major milestone was the launch of an innovative CO2-based chemical production site in Copenhagen, which demonstrated the practical application of their technology. Since then, Again has focused on scaling up operations and developing larger production sites across Europe and North America.

The company was co-founded by Dr. Torbjørn Ølshøj Jensen, who serves as the CEO, and Max Kufner, the COO. Dr. Jensen brings a strong background in biomanufacturing and sustainable technologies, while Kufner contributes extensive experience in operations and business development. Together, they lead a team dedicated to advancing Again's mission of transforming CO2 emissions into valuable products.

Again has secured significant funding to support its growth and technological development. In December 2023, the company raised $10 million in a seed financing round from prominent investors, including ACME, GV (Google Ventures), and Atlantic Labs. This funding is being used to scale operations, invest in research and development, and expand the company's product portfolio. Additionally, Again has received public funding, including a €43 million grant from the European Union’s Horizon program, which supports the development of their technology and infrastructure.

Products and Services

Core Products & Services

Again specializes in converting CO2 emissions into valuable chemicals through a proprietary biomanufacturing process. Their core products include acetate and acetic acid. These products are generated by capturing CO2 emissions from industrial sources and converting them into useful chemicals, thereby reducing overall carbon emissions and contributing to sustainability.


A versatile chemical used in various industrial applications, including food preservation, cleaning products, and textiles.

Acetate granules produced from CO2 emissions through Again's innovative conversion process.
Acetate granules produced from CO2 emissions through Again's innovative conversion process.

Acetic Acid

Commonly used in the production of vinegar, solvents, and as a chemical reagent in numerous industrial processes.

Acetic acid, a key product from Again's CO2 conversion, ready for industrial use.
Acetic acid, a key product from Again's CO2 conversion, ready for industrial use.

Innovation and Technology

Again leverages cutting-edge biotechnology to transform CO2 into valuable chemicals. The key innovation lies in their use of gas-eating bacteria, which are engineered to metabolize CO2 and produce chemicals like acetate and acetic acid. This biomanufacturing process is conducted in specialized facilities designed to capture and convert CO2 efficiently.

  • Biomanufacturing Process: Using genetically engineered bacteria, Again’s process captures CO2 at the source and converts it into chemicals. This process not only mitigates emissions but also provides an economically viable method for producing essential chemicals.

  • Sustainability: By converting waste CO2 into valuable products, Again addresses both environmental and economic challenges, promoting a circular economy where emissions are reduced, and valuable resources are created.

Case Studies

Example 1: Partnership with a Beverage Manufacturer

Again partnered with a leading beverage manufacturer in Denmark to implement their CO2 conversion technology. The project involved capturing CO2 emissions from the beverage production process and converting them into acetic acid, which was then used in the production of cleaning agents for the facility. This collaboration not only reduced the manufacturer’s carbon footprint but also provided a sustainable source of acetic acid for their cleaning needs.

Example 2: Chemical Production for Textile Industry

In another successful implementation, Again worked with a major textile company to supply acetate produced from captured CO2. The acetate was used in the production of synthetic fibers, providing a more sustainable alternative to traditional petrochemical-based materials. This initiative helped the textile company significantly reduce its carbon emissions and support its sustainability goals.

Example 3: Pilot Project with a Food Processing Plant

A food processing plant in Denmark served as the site for a pilot project where Again’s technology was used to convert CO2 emissions into acetate and acetic acid. The chemicals were then used within the plant for food preservation and sanitation purposes. The pilot project demonstrated the feasibility and benefits of integrating Again’s CO2 conversion technology into existing industrial processes.

Example 4: Collaboration with an Industrial Gas Producer

Again collaborated with an industrial gas producer to capture CO2 emissions from their production facilities and convert them into valuable chemicals. This project not only reduced the gas producer’s emissions but also created a new revenue stream from the sale of acetate and acetic acid. The success of this collaboration has paved the way for further expansion and implementation of Again’s technology across other industrial sectors.

Market Position

The carbon capture and utilization (CCU) industry is rapidly evolving, driven by the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. This sector focuses on capturing CO2 emissions from industrial sources and converting them into useful products, such as chemicals, fuels, and building materials. The global CCU market is expected to grow significantly, fueled by advancements in technology, increased regulatory pressure, and a growing commitment to sustainability by businesses worldwide. Again fits into this landscape as a pioneering company specializing in biomanufacturing processes that transform CO2 into valuable chemicals, positioning itself as a key player in the CCU industry.


Again faces competition from several companies in the CCU space, including:

  • LanzaTech: Focuses on converting carbon emissions into ethanol and other chemicals using gas fermentation technology.

  • Carbon Clean Solutions: Specializes in CO2 capture technology and has partnerships with various industries to implement carbon capture and utilization solutions.

  • Climeworks: Develops direct air capture technology to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and supply it for commercial use.

What sets Again apart is its unique use of gas-eating bacteria for biomanufacturing, which provides a cost-effective and scalable solution for converting CO2 into valuable chemicals. This innovative approach offers a competitive advantage by integrating sustainability with economic viability, making it an attractive option for industries looking to reduce their carbon footprint.


  • Technology Scalability: Scaling up the biomanufacturing process to handle larger volumes of CO2 can be challenging and requires significant investment.

  • Market Acceptance: Convincing industries to adopt new technologies and integrate them into existing processes can be difficult, especially if there are upfront costs involved.

  • Regulatory Hurdles: Navigating the complex landscape of environmental regulations and obtaining necessary approvals can be time-consuming and costly.


  • Regulatory Support: Increasing governmental support and incentives for carbon capture and utilization technologies present significant growth opportunities.

  • Corporate Sustainability Goals: As more companies commit to sustainability and carbon neutrality, there is a growing market for solutions like Again’s CO2 conversion technology.

  • Innovation and Partnerships: Continued innovation and strategic partnerships with industries and research institutions can drive further advancements and adoption of Again’s technology.

Sustainability and Impact

The company's technology has a significant positive impact on carbon emissions and sustainability. By converting CO2 emissions from industrial processes into valuable chemicals like acetate and acetic acid, the company directly reduces the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. Each ton of CO2 captured and converted by Again's technology prevents up to three tons of emissions that would otherwise contribute to global warming. This process not only mitigates climate change but also provides sustainable alternatives to traditional petrochemical products, further reducing environmental harm.

Certifications and Awards

Again has been recognized for its innovative contributions to sustainability and carbon reduction. Some of the notable certifications and awards include:

  • European Union Horizon Grant: Again received a €43 million grant from the EU’s Horizon program, supporting their research and development efforts.

  • Cleantech Open Global Forum Winner: Again was awarded at the Cleantech Open Global Forum, recognizing their impactful and scalable clean technology solutions.

  • ISO 14001 Certification: Again is certified under ISO 14001 for its environmental management system, ensuring their operations meet international standards for sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Future Goals

Again is focused on expanding their impact and continuing to drive advancements in carbon capture and utilization. Their future goals include:

  • Scaling Up Operations: Again plans to increase the scale of their biomanufacturing facilities, enabling them to capture and convert greater volumes of CO2.

  • Global Expansion: The company aims to establish additional production sites in key industrial regions across Europe and North America, broadening their reach and impact.

  • Innovative Product Development: Again is continuously working on developing new products and applications for their CO2-derived chemicals, further integrating sustainability into various industrial processes.

  • Partnerships and Collaborations: They seek to forge strategic partnerships with industries, governments, and research institutions to drive innovation and accelerate the adoption of their technology.

Community and Social Responsibility

Again actively engages with local communities through various initiatives aimed at promoting environmental sustainability. They participate in global climate action events, collaborate with local governments on sustainability projects, and support community programs focused on reducing carbon footprints.

The comapny partners with academic institutions in Denmark to promote research and education in the field of carbon capture and utilization. They offer internships and research opportunities for students, provide guest lectures at universities, and collaborate on projects that advance the understanding and application of sustainable technologies.

Employee Initiatives: The company promotes sustainability among its employees through various programs. These include:

  • Volunteer Programs: Encouraging employees to participate in community clean-up events and tree planting activities.

  • Sustainability Education: Offering workshops and training sessions on sustainability practices and the importance of reducing carbon footprints.

  • Green Benefits: Providing incentives for employees who adopt green practices, such as using public transportation or electric vehicles.

Customer and Public Perception

Again maintains a strong public image through strategic PR initiatives. They actively communicate their achievements, partnerships, and sustainability goals via press releases, social media, and industry conferences. Their transparent approach and consistent messaging have helped build a reputable brand associated with innovation and environmental responsibility.


The company stands out in the carbon zero emission industry with its innovative manufacturing process that converts CO2 into valuable chemicals like acetate and acetic acid. This unique approach not only addresses the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also provides sustainable alternatives to traditional chemical production methods. The company's strategic partnerships, successful implementations across various industries, and significant media coverage underscore its impact and potential.

With a strong focus on community engagement, educational initiatives, and employee programs promoting sustainability, Again demonstrates a comprehensive commitment to environmental and social responsibility. Recognized through various certifications and awards, the company continues to innovate and expand its operations, aiming to play a pivotal role in the global effort to combat climate change.

Again’s combination of cutting-edge technology, strategic growth, and sustainability makes it a key player in the carbon capture and utilization sector, contributing significantly to the advancement of a circular economy and a more sustainable future.

Karol Kaczmarek
Written by:
Karol Kaczmarek
Co-founder of Net Zero Compare
Karol is a seasoned entrepreneur and co-founder of A&K Ventures OÜ. With a strong foundation in quantitative economics, he has a proven track record in strategic consulting, real estate, and global business expansion. Karol is dedicated to leveraging innovative technologies and creative business strategies to drive growth and transformation in every venture.