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H2GO Power Hydrogen Storage: Transforming Renewable Energy with Innovative Hydrogen Storage Solutions.

Written by Polina Martinuka
Published July 22nd, 2024
6 min read
Updated July 25th, 2024


This zero-emission, solid-state hydrogen storage technology offers a compact and safe alternative to traditional methods. Their technology enables the efficient storage and on-demand release of hydrogen, making it ideal for various applications, including transportation, grid storage, and portable power. H2GO Power's advanced storage methods enable the safe, efficient, and compact storage of hydrogen, addressing the challenges of renewable energy storage and distribution.
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H2GO Power Hydrogen Storage
Date of establishment

Deep dive

Products and Services

The company offers two hydrogen storing solutions:

  1. Hydrogen storage module

"Safely storing large amounts of hydrogen gas in a small space"


The patent-pending reactor employs solid-state hydrogen storage technology, which offers several advantages over traditional hydrogen storage methods, such as compressed gas or liquid hydrogen.

  1. Utility-scale storage

"Our Plug and play stationary storage units are the size of a standard shipping container and can be used in permanent or temporary cases worldwide"


H2GO Power's utility-scale hydrogen storage solutions are designed to address the growing need for large-scale, efficient, and sustainable energy storage in the renewable energy sector. These solutions leverage H2GO Power's advanced solid-state hydrogen storage technology, combined with artificial intelligence, to provide a reliable and scalable method for storing and distributing energy.

Key features

  • Rapid hydrogen delivery for high power applications

  • Operates 1-10 bar and well below 100 degrees

  • Seasonal storage without loss

  • Releases power on demand

  • Cost-efficient energy management

  • Proprietary solid-state storage system

Case Studies

H2GO Power has been involved in several groundbreaking projects that demonstrate the effectiveness and potential of their hydrogen storage solutions.

1. Utility-Scale Renewable Integration in Europe

Project Overview: H2GO Power collaborated with a leading European renewable energy provider to integrate their solid-state hydrogen storage technology into a utility-scale solar power plant. The project aimed to store excess solar energy during peak production times and release it during periods of high demand or low solar activity.


  • Intermittent nature of solar energy production.

  • Need for a reliable and efficient storage solution to balance supply and demand.

  • Ensuring safety and scalability of the storage technology.

Solution: H2GO Power installed their solid-state hydrogen storage modules on-site. These modules absorbed excess hydrogen produced during peak solar activity and safely stored it in a solid-state form. The stored hydrogen was then converted back to electricity using fuel cells during periods of low solar production or high demand.


  • Enhanced grid stability by balancing supply and demand.

  • Increased utilization of renewable energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

  • Demonstrated the safety and scalability of solid-state hydrogen storage for utility-scale applications.

2. Backup Power for Critical Infrastructure in North America

Project Overview: In partnership with a North American utility company, H2GO Power provided a backup power solution for a critical data center. The goal was to ensure continuous power supply during outages or periods of high demand.


  • Need for a reliable backup power solution that can quickly respond to power outages.

  • High energy density and safety requirements due to the critical nature of the infrastructure.

Solution: H2GO Power deployed their hydrogen storage modules at the data center. The system was designed to store hydrogen during normal operations and rapidly release it during power outages, ensuring uninterrupted power supply.


  • Provided a reliable backup power solution, ensuring continuous operation of critical infrastructure.

  • Reduced downtime and operational disruptions.

  • Highlighted the effectiveness of hydrogen storage for emergency power applications.

3. Decentralized Energy Storage in Remote Locations

Project Overview: H2GO Power partnered with a remote community in Asia to provide a decentralized energy storage solution. The community relied heavily on diesel generators, which were costly and environmentally damaging.


  • High cost and environmental impact of diesel generators.

  • Lack of access to reliable grid power.

  • Need for a sustainable and cost-effective energy storage solution.

Solution: H2GO Power installed a series of hydrogen storage modules in the community. These modules stored hydrogen generated from renewable sources (solar and wind) and provided a clean and reliable power supply.


  • Reduced reliance on diesel generators, cutting operational costs and emissions.

  • Provided a sustainable and reliable energy source for the community.

  • Demonstrated the potential of hydrogen storage for off-grid and remote applications.

Market Position

H2GO Power holds a strong market position as an innovator in hydrogen storage solutions, distinguished by their advanced solid-state technology and integration of artificial intelligence to optimize hydrogen production, storage, and distribution. Their strategic partnerships with leading energy companies and research institutions, along with a focus on zero-emission solutions, align them with global trends towards sustainability and decarbonization. The company is expanding its market presence across various segments, including utility-scale energy storage, critical infrastructure, and remote applications, demonstrating the versatility and scalability of their technology. Recognized for their innovative solutions, H2GO Power continues to grow by enhancing their technological capabilities and increasing their global footprint to meet the rising demand for sustainable energy.


The hydrogen energy sector is becoming increasingly competitive, with numerous companies developing alternative storage and fuel cell technologies. H2GO Power must continue to innovate and differentiate their offerings to maintain their market position. Their main competitors include:

  1. GRZ Technologies: Specializes in compact and safe hydrogen storage solutions for various applications, including mobile and stationary energy storage systems.

  2. Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies: Develops Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) technology, which allows hydrogen to be stored and transported safely at ambient conditions.

  3. FuelCell Energy: Focuses on manufacturing and deploying fuel cell power plants for clean and efficient power generation.

  4. HDF Energy: Based in France, HDF Energy develops hydrogen-based energy storage systems for grid applications, combining fuel cells, electrolyzers, and lithium batteries.

  5. Cella Energy: Provides hydrogen storage systems using patented nanostructured materials, suitable for automotive and portable power applications.

  6. Wystrach: A German company that manufactures pressure systems for storing and transporting gases, offering solutions across the hydrogen supply chain.

Sustainability and Impact

H2GO Power is significantly contributing to sustainability and making a notable impact in the clean energy sector through its innovative hydrogen storage solutions. H2GO Power's technology enables zero-emission hydrogen storage, which helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with traditional energy storage and fossil fuel usage. This aligns with global efforts to combat climate change and reduce carbon footprints​.

By providing efficient storage solutions for renewable energy sources like solar and wind, H2GO Power helps address the intermittency issues of these sources. This enhances the reliability and stability of renewable energy, promoting wider adoption and reducing dependence on fossil fuels​

Their solid-state hydrogen storage technology is designed to be safer and more efficient than traditional hydrogen storage methods. This reduces risks associated with high-pressure and cryogenic storage, making hydrogen a more viable option for various applications​.

"Tackling energy poverty, climate change and air pollution directly"


H2GO Power's solutions are particularly beneficial for remote and off-grid communities. By providing a reliable and sustainable power source, they help improve energy access and quality of life in these areas​

Polina Martinuka
Written by:
Polina Martinuka
Sustainability Research Analyst
Recently graduating from a university in the UK, with a Bachelor's degree in Multimedia Journalism, Polina brings a unique blend of investigative skills, the ability to analyze complex data and environmental awareness.