Net Zero Compare

Normative: Revolutionizing Carbon Accounting for Supply Chain Transparency

Written by Karol Kaczmarek
Published March 24th, 2024
17 min read
Updated June 14th, 2024


Normative is a carbon accounting engine that helps businesses calculate their carbon footprint across their entire supply chain, aiming to make carbon accounting accessible and actionable for all companies. In the realm of corporate environmental responsibility, Normative emerges as a pivotal software provider dedicated to the intricacies of carbon accounting
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Deep dive

Normative is a carbon accounting engine that helps businesses calculate their carbon footprint across their entire supply chain, aiming to make carbon accounting accessible and actionable for all companies. In the realm of corporate environmental responsibility, Normative emerges as a pivotal software provider dedicated to the intricacies of carbon accounting. Offering a comprehensive suite of services, Normative empowers businesses to navigate the complexities of calculating, reducing, and monitoring their carbon footprint. This endeavor is crucial for entities aiming to assert their commitment to sustainability by addressing direct emissions from owned or controlled sources, indirect emissions tied to the procurement of electricity, heating, and cooling, as well as tackling the broader spectrum of indirect emissions woven throughout a company’s value chain.

Strategic Carbon Footprint Analysis: At the heart of Normative’s offerings is the capability to meticulously assess a company’s carbon footprint, encompassing operational emissions, supply chain considerations, and product usage impacts. Leveraging an extensive repository of emission factors, Normative’s platform facilitates precise, industry-specific evaluations, setting the groundwork for informed environmental strategies.

Guided Emission Reduction Initiatives: Identifying emission sources is but the first step; Normative’s strategic guidance aids companies in developing and implementing measures aimed at emission reduction. Whether through operational optimization, supplier realignment, or the adoption of renewable energy solutions, Normative positions businesses on a path to lower their environmental impact.

Compliance and Reporting Excellence: With an eye on regulatory adherence and voluntary certification goals, Normative ensures that businesses’ carbon reporting aligns with various international frameworks and standards. This is indispensable for organizations striving to fulfill mandatory reporting obligations or to achieve recognition for voluntary sustainability efforts.

Sustainability Goal Setting and Monitoring: Normative stands as a crucial ally in establishing and pursuing environmental objectives, such as achieving carbon neutrality or specific emission reduction targets. Its platform offers real-time tracking capabilities, enabling businesses to make agile adjustments in their sustainability strategies.

Enhancing Supply Chain Sustainability: Recognizing the significant emission contributions from supply chains, Normative provides essential tools for evaluating and managing these indirect emissions. The platform facilitates engagement with suppliers, fostering a collaborative approach to data collection and emission reduction efforts.

Engaging with Stakeholders: Beyond internal metrics and management, Normative’s insights serve as a valuable resource for communicating with a broad array of stakeholders, including investors, customers, and employees. These communications articulate a company’s sustainability narrative, detailing efforts and achievements in environmental stewardship.

For corporations poised to advance their sustainability endeavors and mitigate their carbon footprint, a partnership with Normative represents a strategic and effective approach. The amalgamation of Normative’s technological prowess and environmental expertise offers businesses the necessary support to navigate the challenges of reducing their environmental impact through data-driven decision-making.


Normative has carved out a niche in the realms of carbon accounting and sustainability reporting, offering a suite of services and technological solutions designed to empower businesses in their quest to quantify, manage, and mitigate their carbon footprints. Through the application of cutting-edge technology and access to extensive emission factor databases, Normative equips organizations with the means to fully comprehend their environmental impact across all operational facets and their wider value chains. Below, we detail the cornerstone services and solutions provided by Normative, illustrating their commitment to facilitating environmental stewardship.

Comprehensive Carbon Footprint Analysis: Employing algorithms alongside a vast database, Normative delivers precise calculations of a company’s entire carbon footprint. This analysis covers both direct and indirect emissions, offering businesses a clear overview of their primary emission sources and laying the groundwork for informed mitigation strategies.

Strategic Emissions Reduction: More than merely quantifying emissions, Normative is instrumental in aiding organizations to formulate and implement effective strategies for reducing their carbon footprint. Recommendations may span from enhancing operational efficiencies, integrating sustainable supply chain practices, to adopting renewable energy sources.

Sustainability Reporting Facilitation: Normative assists organizations in compiling emissions data and sustainability initiatives in alignment with internationally recognized standards and frameworks. This support is pivotal for companies navigating environmental regulations or striving to bolster their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) endeavors.

Supply Chain Sustainability Enhancement: Acknowledging the substantial impact of supply chains on a company’s overall emissions, Normative offers tools for fostering sustainability within this critical area. Services include the aggregation and examination of supplier emissions data, alongside collaborative efforts to unearth and capitalize on emission reduction opportunities.

Navigating Regulatory Compliance: As global and regional environmental mandates evolve, Normative provides essential guidance and resources to ensure organizational compliance. This encompasses monitoring legislative developments and validating that reporting adheres to all pertinent requirements.

Goal Setting and Monitoring: With Normative’s platform, businesses can articulate sustainability objectives, such as reaching net-zero emissions, and meticulously track advancements toward these goals. This functionality supports agile, data-informed decision-making and strategy refinement.

Engagement with Stakeholders: Additionally, the platform facilitates the creation of detailed reports and insights that can be leveraged to inform stakeholders—including investors, customers, and employees—about a company’s sustainability initiatives and accomplishments.

In the dynamic landscape of corporate sustainability, Normative stands as a vital ally for businesses dedicated to reducing their ecological footprint and enhancing their environmental reporting. Through its suite of services, Normative underscores the importance of robust carbon management and reporting as integral components of modern corporate sustainability strategies.


Normative’s software and consultancy services present invaluable assets to companies at various junctures of their environmental sustainability journey. Whether beginning to quantify their carbon footprint or advancing towards ambitious reduction targets, businesses find in Normative a versatile and supportive partner. The platform’s inherent flexibility, coupled with its support for compliance and reporting, positions Normative as an instrumental resource for any entity aiming to refine its environmental footprint and sustainability practices. The company distinguishes itself in the sustainability sector through its scalable and flexible solutions, adept at serving a broad spectrum of businesses, from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to expansive multinational corporations. This versatility enables Normative to address the unique requirements and challenges presented by varying company sizes and industries. The following overview elucidates how Normative’s services are strategically tailored to accommodate different organizational profiles:

For Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs):

  • Customization and Scalability: Recognizing that SMEs may be at the nascent stages of their sustainability initiatives or operate with constrained resources, Normative offers bespoke solutions that align with each entity’s specific needs and financial capabilities. This approach ensures that their tools can grow in tandem with the business.

  • User Accessibility: With a platform engineered for simplicity, Normative removes the barriers to entry for SMEs lacking specialized sustainability personnel, making it possible for these companies to engage in carbon accounting without prior expertise.

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Normative aids SMEs in adopting carbon management practices through automated and streamlined processes, which circumvent the high costs associated with traditional consultancy services, thereby enhancing affordability.

For Large Enterprises and Multinationals:

  • Advanced Data Management: The intricate operations and supply chains of larger organizations necessitate sophisticated systems for carbon data oversight. Normative’s platform is capable of integrating and managing extensive datasets from myriad sources, catering to the needs of global enterprises.

  • Adherence to Global Standards: The complexity of navigating various international regulations and standards is streamlined by Normative’s compliance support, which is essential for businesses with a presence in multiple countries.

  • Supply Chain Management: Normative provides mechanisms for large corporations to involve their supply chains in sustainability measures, enabling the collection, analysis, and cooperative reduction of emissions across their extensive networks.

Across Industries:

  • Industry-Agnostic Solutions: The adaptability of Normative’s offerings extends across multiple sectors, such as manufacturing, retail, technology, finance, and others. This broad applicability is facilitated by an emission factor database and the platform’s customizable framework.


Normative stands out as a robust ally for businesses aiming to meticulously manage, calculate, and mitigate emissions within the Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 categorizations. The platform is meticulously engineered to navigate the intricacies associated with all three greenhouse gas emission scopes, providing organizations with an all-encompassing perspective on their carbon footprint. Below is a breakdown of how Normative adeptly addresses each emission scope:

Scope 1: Direct Emissions Management

  • Overview: Scope 1 encompasses emissions that originate directly from sources owned or controlled by a company, including fuel combustion in boilers, furnaces, and vehicles.

  • Normative’s Approach: Through its platform, Normative facilitates the precise tracking and calculation of direct emissions from operational activities. This involves converting activity data, such as fuel consumption, into carbon dioxide equivalents using applicable emission factors, thereby covering emissions from all direct sources like company vehicles and manufacturing processes.

Scope 2: Indirect Emissions from Energy Purchases

  • Overview: Scope 2 accounts for indirect emissions stemming from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling.

  • Normative’s Approach: The platform aids in quantifying these indirect emissions by evaluating utility consumption data. By applying regional or country-specific emission factors, Normative ensures an accurate assessment of the carbon footprint associated with the consumption of electricity, steam, heating, and cooling, empowering businesses to make informed energy decisions.

Scope 3: Addressing Value Chain Emissions

  • Overview: Scope 3 covers all other indirect emissions that occur within a company’s value chain, including upstream and downstream activities. This scope, often the largest and most complex, includes emissions from purchased goods and services, waste disposal, and the transportation and distribution of products.

  • Normative’s Approach: Offering advanced tools and methodologies, Normative enables companies to navigate the complexities of Scope 3 emissions. The platform supports data collection and analysis across the value chain, from supplier emissions to product end-of-life impacts, facilitating sustainable procurement practices and value chain emission reduction strategies.

Towards a Strategic Emission Reduction Framework

  • Insightful Strategies: Beyond mere calculation, Normative delivers insights and actionable recommendations for emission reductions across all scopes. This includes pinpointing high-impact areas for reduction, establishing science-based targets, and monitoring progress towards these objectives.

  • Ensuring Reporting and Compliance: Normative’s precise and exhaustive emission accounting enables businesses to adhere to both regulatory mandates and voluntary reporting standards. The platform supports various reporting frameworks, enhancing stakeholder communication regarding sustainability initiatives.

By offering a thorough analysis of emissions across the three scopes, Normative equips businesses with a holistic understanding of their environmental impact. This all-encompassing view is indispensable for organizations dedicated to sustainability, enabling them to identify effective strategies for substantial carbon footprint reduction.


Normative has established itself as a key player in the global landscape of carbon accounting, extending its services to companies across the globe. While the organization exhibits a particularly strong presence in regions like the European Union and North America—attributable to the heightened demand for sustainability services and the stringent regulatory frameworks prevalent in these areas—Normative’s offerings are meticulously crafted to cater to the needs of businesses irrespective of their geographical locations.

This worldwide applicability holds significant value for multinational corporations and enterprises engaged in international supply chains, necessitating uniform carbon accounting practices across varied jurisdictions. Normative’s platform is engineered with the global dynamics of modern businesses in mind, offering features such as:

  • Extensive Emission Factors Database: Boasting a comprehensive repository of emission factors, Normative’s platform facilitates industry-specific and geographically relevant carbon accounting practices for businesses operating around the world.

  • Alignment with International Standards: The platform is equipped with tools and functionalities that ensure compliance with leading global sustainability and carbon reporting standards. This aspect is crucial for businesses aiming to fulfill both regulatory obligations and voluntary sustainability commitments in diverse locations.

  • Supply Chain Emission Management: With features designed to oversee and mitigate emissions throughout international supply chains, Normative enables companies to collaborate with overseas suppliers effectively. This capability ensures the tracking and management of emissions across borders, fostering a holistic approach to global environmental responsibility.

Through its strategic approach to carbon accounting and sustainability reporting, Normative champions the worldwide efforts of businesses striving to minimize their environmental footprint and boost their sustainability credentials. The platform’s universal design and advanced toolset underscore Normative’s commitment to supporting the global business community in navigating the complexities of carbon management and environmental stewardship.


Normative is dedicated to assisting businesses in navigating the complex landscape of carbon emissions regulations and sustainability reporting requirements. Their services are strategically developed to conform to prominent international standards and frameworks, thereby facilitating organizations’ ability to meet both mandatory regulatory demands and voluntary reporting guidelines. While Normative’s compliance and certifications are matters for direct verification with the company, their platform inherently supports adherence to several key standards and regulatory frameworks:

Adherence to International Standards and Frameworks

  • Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP): As the foundation for global greenhouse gas accounting and reporting standards, the GHG Protocol offers methods for businesses to calculate and report emissions. Normative’s software empowers companies to align their emissions measurement practices with the GHG Protocol’s Corporate Standard, including Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 Standards.

  • Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi): The SBTi advocates for the establishment of science-based emission reduction targets as a means to enhance corporate competitiveness in the shift towards a low-carbon economy. Normative aids organizations in setting and achieving emission reduction targets that are consistent with the objectives of the Paris Agreement, as outlined by SBTi.

  • CDP Reporting: Known for its global environmental impact disclosure system, CDP encourages companies, along with other entities, to manage their environmental impacts effectively. Normative assists in the meticulous collection and reporting of data required by CDP, ensuring efficient environmental impact management and transparency.

Regulatory Compliance Support

Normative’s platform is designed to facilitate compliance with a variety of local and regional carbon emissions and sustainability reporting regulations, including:

  • EU Regulations: This encompasses compliance with the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), transitioning to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

  • North American Regulations: Including adherence to specific state or provincial regulations within the United States and Canada, addressing local regulatory requirements for emissions reporting and reduction.

Potential Certifications and Accreditations

While primarily focused on enabling business compliance, Normative itself may pursue certifications or accreditations that underscore the quality and dependability of their services. Potential certifications could encompass environmental management systems (such as ISO 14001) or information security management (ISO/IEC 27001). However, for precise information regarding Normative’s own certifications, direct engagement with the company is advised.

Through its comprehensive service offering, Normative plays a crucial role in equipping businesses with the tools and knowledge required for effective compliance with international sustainability standards and regulatory obligations. Their commitment to aligning with these frameworks ensures that organizations can confidently address their environmental reporting and management needs.


Normative presents a pivotal component of its service portfolio through its proprietary carbon accounting software, meticulously crafted to aid businesses in accurately quantifying their carbon emissions across the spectrum of scopes 1, 2, and 3. This software is central to identifying opportunities for emission reduction and enhancing sustainability reporting mechanisms. Detailed below is an exploration of the software’s operational framework, along with insights into its accessibility and user experience.

Functionality of Normative’s Software

  • Data Integration and Input: The process begins with the incorporation of operational data, encompassing energy consumption, business travel, supply chain engagements, among other activities. Data entry is facilitated both manually and, where applicable, through seamless integration with pre-existing organizational systems.

  • Emission Calculation: Utilizing the ingested data, the software employs recognized emission factors to compute the organization’s carbon footprint. This includes direct emissions from controlled sources (Scope 1), indirect emissions associated with the acquisition of energy (Scope 2), and all other indirect emissions that materialize within the value chain (Scope 3).

  • Analysis and Reporting: Post-calculation, the platform embarks on a detailed analysis to pinpoint primary emission sources and unveil potential avenues for emission curtailment. It is adept at producing reports in compliance with diverse reporting standards and frameworks, facilitating organizational transparency and regulatory adherence.

  • Provision of Actionable Insights: Beyond the realms of calculation and reporting, the platform proffers strategic insights and recommendations aimed at emission reduction, the establishment of science-based targets, and monitoring of progress toward achieving sustainability objectives.

Accessibility and Utilization

  • Cloud-Based Accessibility: The software is accessible via a cloud-based platform, eliminating the need for traditional download or installation procedures. Users gain access through a web interface, ensuring ease of use and flexibility.

  • User Accounts and Permissions Management: Access is regulated through the creation of user accounts, with permissions tailored to individual roles and responsibilities within the organization. This hierarchical access model safeguards sensitive data while promoting interdepartmental collaboration.

  • System Integration Features: For enterprises equipped with environmental management systems, the software offers integration capabilities that facilitate efficient data aggregation and analysis. This may extend to ERP systems, financial tracking tools, or energy management systems, among others.

  • Support and Training Provisions: Normative is committed to enabling users to fully leverage the software’s capabilities through a suite of support and training resources. These may encompass online tutorials, dedicated customer support services, and personalized consultation sessions, all designed to ensure smooth software implementation and utilization.

Normative’s carbon accounting software represents a robust, user-friendly solution for businesses intent on effectively managing their environmental impact. With its analytical tools and dedicated support framework, the software stands as a reliable solution for organizations pursuing enhanced sustainability and environmental stewardship.


Normative’s approach to pricing its carbon accounting services is designed to accommodate the diverse needs and complexities of businesses across various industries. Given that the scope of services and the intricacies of carbon footprint management can significantly differ from one organization to another, Normative offers customized solutions, resulting in a pricing model that is as varied as the businesses it serves. Below, we explore the key components of Normative’s pricing framework and considerations for assessing its affordability.

Key Components of Pricing

  • Subscription Fees: Access to Normative’s platform typically operates on a subscription model, with fees adjusted based on the required level of access and desired functionalities. This allows companies to choose a package that matches their operational scale and sustainability objectives.

  • Service Tiers: To cater to varying requirements, Normative likely provides multiple service tiers. Each tier offers a distinct combination of features, from basic analytics to enhanced support for complex Scope 3 emissions management and personalized advisory services, enabling businesses to select an option that aligns with their sustainability goals and budget.

  • Additional Consulting Services: For organizations seeking to augment their sustainability strategy, Normative may offer specialized consulting services at an extra cost. These could include guidance on setting science-based targets or crafting a comprehensive carbon reduction strategy, offering additional expertise to bolster a company’s environmental initiatives.

Affordability Considerations

  • For SMEs: Recognizing the importance of sustainability across all business sizes, Normative strives to ensure that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can access its services. Options like entry-level packages or flexible pricing models are available to fit the simpler structures and tighter budgets of smaller businesses.

  • For Larger Corporations: Larger entities, characterized by more complex operational needs and extensive supply chains, may find the cost of Normative’s services higher. Nonetheless, the investment in carbon management and reporting tools can deliver substantial value, aiding in cost reduction, risk mitigation, and the exploration of new sustainability-driven opportunities.

Karol Kaczmarek
Written by:
Karol Kaczmarek
Co-founder of Net Zero Compare
Karol is a seasoned entrepreneur and co-founder of A&K Ventures OÜ. With a strong foundation in quantitative economics, he has a proven track record in strategic consulting, real estate, and global business expansion. Karol is dedicated to leveraging innovative technologies and creative business strategies to drive growth and transformation in every venture.