Net Zero Compare

Greenstone: Sustainable Change with Advanced Environmental Management Software

Written by Karol Kaczmarek
Published May 4th, 2024
11 min read
Updated July 12th, 2024


Greenstone is known for providing software solutions and services to help companies manage their sustainability and environmental reporting. They offer tools for tracking and reducing carbon emissions, which could be very useful if your company is looking to comply with new carbon emissions regulations. Their platforms typically support data collection and reporting in line with various regulatory frameworks and standards, including the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
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Deep dive

Greenstone is known for providing software solutions and services to help companies manage their sustainability and environmental reporting. They offer tools for tracking and reducing carbon emissions, which could be very useful if your company is looking to comply with new carbon emissions regulations. Their platforms typically support data collection and reporting in line with various regulatory frameworks and standards, including the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. This can help streamline the process of tracking, managing, and reporting emissions.

The company is a leading provider of environmental reporting and data management software, headquartered in London, UK. Founded in 2007, the company has been at the forefront of sustainability solutions, helping businesses around the world optimize their environmental impact through advanced technological tools. Greenstone is committed to empowering organizations to achieve sustainability by providing comprehensive and reliable software solutions that simplify complex environmental data management. Their mission revolves around enabling their clients to meet their environmental reporting obligations and drive performance improvements through better data insight.

Did you know that over 85% of companies still struggle with accurate environmental data collection and reporting? Greenstone’s cutting-edge platform addresses this challenge head-on, providing tools that streamline data accuracy and improve reporting efficiency, thereby supporting organizations in their journey towards achieving zero carbon emissions. Their impact is reflected in their broad adoption, with clients in over 100 countries utilizing Greenstone’s services to enhance their sustainability efforts.


Greenstone was founded in 2007 with the vision to provide robust solutions for environmental reporting and data management. The company quickly established itself as a leader in the field, evolving its offerings to meet the growing demands for sustainability analytics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting. Key milestones in Greenstone’s history include the launch of their flagship software in 2010, which was one of the first to offer end-to-end environmental data management, and a major platform upgrade in 2015 that introduced advanced analytics features.

Greenstone was co-founded by Matthew de Villiers and Peter Grant, both of whom brought extensive experience in environmental science and software engineering. Matthew de Villiers, initially serving as CEO, guided the company through its early growth phases before moving to a strategic advisory role. The current CEO, Sarah Smith, who joined the company in 2018, brings over 20 years of experience in technology and sustainability sectors, having previously held leadership roles at major tech firms.

Greenstone’s growth has been supported by several rounds of funding, primarily from venture capital firms specializing in technology and sustainability. Notable investors include EcoTech Ventures and Sustain Capital, which participated in a Series B funding round in 2017. The most recent funding round in 2022 raised $25 million, aimed at accelerating global expansion and further enhancing the software capabilities to support emerging sustainability reporting standards.


Greenstone offers a suite of software solutions designed to assist organizations in achieving their sustainability and carbon reduction goals. The key products include:

  • Sustainability Reporting Tool: This tool enables companies to gather, manage, and report sustainability data in compliance with global standards like the GHG Protocol and CDP. It simplifies the process of carbon accounting across Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, helping businesses identify areas for emissions reduction.

  • Supplier Engagement Tool: Greenstone provides a platform for companies to engage with their suppliers on sustainability, collecting and managing data on supply chain emissions. This tool is crucial for companies looking to extend their sustainability practices across their value chain and reduce indirect emissions.

  • Energy and Resource Management Software: This software tracks and analyzes energy consumption and resource use within an organization, offering insights and actionable recommendations for energy efficiency and waste reduction.

Innovation and Technology: Greenstone is committed to leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance its offerings:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: These technologies are employed to analyze large datasets, predict trends, and provide recommendations for reducing emissions. For example, their AI models can forecast energy usage patterns and suggest optimal consumption strategies to minimize carbon footprint.

  • Cloud-Based Platforms: Greenstone’s software is cloud-based, offering scalability, security, and accessibility. This enables real-time data tracking and reporting from anywhere in the world, essential for multinational organizations looking to manage their environmental impact globally.

  • Integration Capabilities: Recognizing the need for holistic management systems, Greenstone’s tools are designed to integrate seamlessly with other corporate systems (like ERP and CRM), which ensures that sustainability becomes a core part of business operations rather than a standalone effort.


Major Retail Chain: A large multinational retail chain utilized Greenstone’s Sustainability Reporting Tool to manage and report its global carbon emissions. By integrating data from over 2,000 stores worldwide, the chain was able to streamline its reporting process and achieve a 20% reduction in Scope 2 emissions within two years. This was accomplished through targeted energy efficiency improvements and a shift towards renewable energy sources, guided by insights from the Greenstone platform.

Global Manufacturing Company: A leading manufacturer in the automotive sector implemented Greenstone’s Supplier Engagement Tool to assess and improve the sustainability practices of its supply chain. This initiative helped the company reduce its Scope 3 emissions by identifying key areas where suppliers could improve their environmental performance. The platform facilitated effective communication and data exchange between the company and its suppliers, leading to more sustainable material sourcing and production processes.

Technology Firm: A tech firm with multiple data centers around the world used Greenstone’s Energy and Resource Management Software to optimize its energy use and reduce waste. The software’s real-time monitoring and AI-driven analytics allowed the firm to decrease its overall energy consumption by 15% and significantly reduce its carbon footprint. This was achieved by optimizing cooling systems and transitioning to energy-efficient servers.

Financial Institution: A global bank adopted Greenstone’s full suite of tools to align its operations with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations. By leveraging the sustainability reporting and data management features, the bank was not only able to report on its direct and indirect emissions but also enhance its investment strategies to favor lower carbon options. This strategic shift not only improved the bank’s environmental impact but also positioned it as a leader in sustainable finance.


The environmental software and data management industry is rapidly expanding as more organizations commit to sustainability and compliance with increasing environmental regulations. Within this landscape, Greenstone operates in the niche of carbon management and sustainability reporting software, a segment marked by high demand as companies globally aim to reduce carbon footprints and achieve net-zero emissions.

Greenstone faces competition from several key players in the industry, such as Enablon, Sphera, and Intelex. These companies also provide comprehensive environmental and sustainability management solutions. Enablon offers a wide range of risk management capabilities, Sphera focuses heavily on environmental performance and operational risk, and Intelex excels with its integrated EHS (Environmental, Health, and Safety) management platform.


  • Customization and Scalability: Greenstone’s platforms are highly customizable, catering to the specific needs of businesses of all sizes, which sets them apart from competitors that offer more generic solutions.

  • Comprehensive Integration: Unlike many competitors, Greenstone’s solutions can be integrated seamlessly with nearly any existing corporate IT system, facilitating smoother data flow and reducing the need for manual data entry.

  • Global Compliance Focus: Greenstone particularly excels in helping companies comply with a broad range of international standards and regulations, which is essential for multinational corporations.

Challenges and Opportunities:

  • Challenges: One of the primary challenges Greenstone faces is keeping pace with rapidly changing global regulations and standards in sustainability reporting. Additionally, as the market becomes more crowded, differentiation from other robust software platforms remains a constant challenge. There is also the ongoing need to educate potential clients on the ROI of investing in comprehensive sustainability management software.

  • Opportunities: With increasing global attention on climate change and corporate responsibility, there is a significant opportunity for Greenstone to expand its reach, particularly in emerging markets that are just beginning to enforce stricter environmental regulations. Furthermore, developing AI-driven predictive analytics for carbon management could position Greenstone as a leader in next-gen sustainability tech solutions. Another opportunity lies in forming partnerships with consultancy firms and governmental bodies to become a recommended provider for compliance with national and international regulations.


Greenstone significantly contributes to carbon emissions reduction and sustainability through its suite of tools that enable organizations to measure, manage, and report their environmental impact accurately. By providing precise tracking and actionable insights, Greenstone’s software helps clients across various industries reduce their carbon footprints. For example, their platforms have aided clients in reducing annual carbon emissions by an average of 15% through improved data accuracy and strategic implementation of sustainability initiatives.

Certifications and Awards:

  • ISO 14001 Certification: Greenstone is certified under ISO 14001, which sets out the criteria for an effective environmental management system (EMS), ensuring compliance with documented environmental standards.

  • Sustainability Service of the Year: Greenstone was awarded the ‘Sustainability Service of the Year’ by the Environmental Business Journal for its outstanding contribution to helping businesses achieve their sustainability goals.

  • CDP Accreditation: As a CDP accredited software provider, Greenstone’s tools are recognized for supporting high-quality carbon reporting that meets the rigorous standards of the CDP’s climate disclosure framework.

Future Goals:

  • Zero-Carbon Operations by 2030: Greenstone has committed to achieving zero-carbon operations by 2030. This involves minimizing its operational carbon footprint through the adoption of renewable energy sources and implementing energy-efficient practices across all its offices.

  • Enhanced AI Capabilities: The company plans to integrate more advanced AI and machine learning technologies into its software to provide predictive analytics, enabling clients to forecast and plan for potential environmental impacts before they occur.

  • Expansion of Educational Programs: Recognizing the importance of knowledge in driving sustainability, Greenstone aims to expand its educational initiatives, offering workshops and online courses on sustainability best practices and the use of their software.


Greenstone actively participates in both local and global sustainability initiatives. They partner with environmental nonprofits to sponsor and support projects such as urban reforestation and community recycling programs. Additionally, Greenstone contributes to international environmental efforts by providing their software at reduced costs to organizations in developing countries, aiming to improve global access to carbon management tools.

The company collaborates with several universities to offer courses and workshops on sustainability management and environmental reporting. These partnerships help shape future sustainability leaders by integrating practical, software-driven sustainability practices into the academic curriculum. Greenstone also hosts annual symposiums that bring together experts from various sectors to discuss trends, challenges, and advancements in sustainability.

The organization encourages its employees to engage in sustainability through various programs. They offer a ‘Green Day Off’ where employees can volunteer for environmental causes during paid work time. The company also provides ongoing education on sustainability practices and promotes a green office environment by implementing recycling programs and reducing paper use.


Customer Reviews and Feedback: Customer testimonials frequently highlight the user-friendliness and effectiveness of Greenstone’s software in simplifying complex environmental data and aiding in compliance with various regulatory standards. Clients often commend the responsive customer support and the actionable insights provided by the analytics features.

Media Coverage: Greenstone has been featured in several leading business and environmental publications for its innovative approach to sustainability management. Articles in ‘Environmental Leader’ and ‘Business Green’ have praised Greenstone for its comprehensive tools and commitment to pushing the boundaries of environmental reporting technology.

Public Relations: Greenstone’s public relations strategy focuses on transparency and active engagement with both the media and the public. They regularly publish sustainability reports detailing their internal environmental efforts and the impacts of their community engagements. The company also maintains a strong presence at global environmental conferences, positioning itself as a thought leader in the sustainability technology space.


Greenstone operates in the environmental software and data management industry, focusing on tools that enable organizations to track, manage, and report environmental data. Established in 2007, the company offers products designed to support compliance with international sustainability standards, facilitating the management of carbon emissions across various industries.

Greenstone’s software solutions are noted for their customization capabilities and integration with existing IT systems, which are critical for companies managing environmental data on a global scale. The firm is recognized in the industry through various certifications and awards, which reflect its adherence to established environmental management standards.

In terms of community engagement, Greenstone collaborates with educational institutions to provide sustainability-related educational programs and participates in both local and global sustainability initiatives. Internally, Greenstone promotes sustainability through employee volunteer programs and educational efforts aimed at fostering environmentally responsible practices.

Feedback from customers and coverage in media suggest that Greenstone plays a constructive role in helping businesses implement and improve their environmental reporting and management practices. The company’s public relations efforts are geared towards maintaining transparency and leadership in discussions on sustainability technology. Overall, Greenstone contributes to the broader goals of the carbon zero emission industry by providing tools that facilitate effective environmental management and reporting.

Karol Kaczmarek
Written by:
Karol Kaczmarek
Co-founder of Net Zero Compare
Karol is a seasoned entrepreneur and co-founder of A&K Ventures OÜ. With a strong foundation in quantitative economics, he has a proven track record in strategic consulting, real estate, and global business expansion. Karol is dedicated to leveraging innovative technologies and creative business strategies to drive growth and transformation in every venture.